部族:Black Furies
部族:Black Furies
Black Furies实行极为激烈的女权主义。根据传说,鲁娜首先在古希腊聚集了这一群女武士。化身成为阿耳特弥斯的女神指定母狼(she-wolves,这让我想起了he-men...)为Wyld的保护者。从那以后,这个部族的追随者就以这些女英雄的传说为榜样。长老们宣布亚马逊女战士,狂热的酒神侍女 (Maenads)们,呂西斯特拉忒(Lysistrata)的政治反抗(这个反抗相当之寒),博阿迪西亚的军事力量,甚至挪威瓦尔基里女神们都和她们有关。这个部族只吸收女性进入她们的阶级,也常常招募其他部族里被大男子主义或者性别歧视激怒的年幼狼人。这种性别上的偏见常常被称作是虚伪,但这是以一种发展了上千年的文化为基础的。对于大多数Furies,她们的强烈信仰很简单:女性值得受到尊重和崇敬。 有一个贯穿整个历史的谣言,那就是 Black Furies只保留女性的后代。实际上,有些Furies会隆重的杀掉它们的男孩;其他则把男幼狼送走。唯一的例外是metis;为了一种不为人知的原因,Furies在她们的等级中保持了几个metis。在现在,Furies仍然把男性幼狼给其他狼人,但是她们要求在其他部族中招募幼狼的权利。 Furies迫使她们的对手尊敬女性幼狼,不是通过胁迫和侮辱,而是用其他的选择。(The Furies have forced their rivals to treat female cubs with espect, not by intimidation or insults, but by offering an alternative.)和一般印象不同的是,她们并不要求幼狼“恨所有的男人”。相反,她们给了女性一个机会公开说出自己的信念……并且实施之。 没有两个Furies会对部族的哲学观点有完全相同的理解,不过一些文化上的标准是不变的。Furies以她们对神秘事物的知识,强烈的自尊和政治热情闻名。荣誉是她们最珍视的美德;如果一个黑女神做了什么保证,即使要穿过地狱她也会遵守诺言。这个部族的天赋和精魂同盟显示了与Wyld的深刻连接,她们常常被召唤来保护世界上的自然区域。Black Furies的领土是造物中最美丽最神圣的。实际上,既然Furies和盖亚的联系比普通男性要深,她们认为自己就是女神的眼睛。 作为盖亚女神赠予的回报,每个Fury都要对整个部族尽其义务。首先也是最重要的,她们必须按时参加部族的私人集会,在会上贤明的女性领导进行复杂而美丽的仪式。 Kuklochoros是邀请人类女性参加的非正式集会,常常用来学习盖亚女神之道。在激烈的文艺复兴时期(During the Burning Times of the Renaissance),很多这样的聚会被误以为是女巫的邪恶仪式。Ulaka magelis则只有Black Furies参加,因为她们才有力量和耐力来忍受冗长而深入的精神上的仪式。不可否认,这个部族有她们自己的偏见,不过为了探索她们部族最深奥的秘密并在对周围的父权社会保密,这也是必须的。 在希腊神话中,柏勒罗丰(Bellerophon),一个能够控制动物的英雄,走遍世界了来驯服飞马,征服了这种传说的野兽。在这个传说的盖亚版本中,飞马——Furies的图腾——对那些控制了她的男人极为憎恨。Furies以她们的想象重新讲述这个故事,把它作为男性想要控制自然,利用神秘力量的例子。当然,这个部族同样尊敬其它图腾,从枭和豹到Muses and Medusae. 部族中拥有同样信仰的聚集在一起,叫做Kuklos或者“圈子”。和其他部族联盟的Black Furies仍然不时的为kuklos出力,常常从其他部族里找人来帮助她们。每个圈子都有高度的自主性,不过最终每件事都会汇报给内萼和外萼(好yy的名字),也就是部族的高级议会。外萼的长老们很知名,她们是经过很多华丽的庆典和仪式选出来的。内萼对她们的领导和活动保密,这使部族的幼狼和 cliath很不满。 Furies也拥有财宝和神物(fetish),她们认为这些东东只适合她们部族的成员使用。一旦这些财产落入了错误的人的手中,女战士就会冲出去把它们夺回来。这种极端的行为解释了很多关于充满报复和憎恨的Furies的传说。不过,尽管对其他狼人有些成见,也不是所有的 Furies都有着激进的信仰。其中有几群对男性的观点特别令人难以接受,不过她们多半来自于由其追随者组成的狼群,而大多数Furies和接受其他部族的狼群活动。不幸的是,她们常常会和自己文化中最极端、最偏执的长老发生争执。 长老和cliath之间的战线是很清楚的。虽然大多数年长 Furies的信念很顽固,不过幼狼接受的关于性别,冲突和狼族社会的观点是非常具有革命性的。不是每个Black Fury都想“把男人的脸狠狠踩到泥里去”,不过如你所知,这个部族所有成员都倾向于直接和激烈的表达她们的想法,不管这想法有多不受欢迎或危险。这样做会使她们冒着和部族同伴疏远,或是触怒部族长老的危险。虽然一位“和狼同行的女士”能和任何她选择的人在一起,但是她部族的长老仍然会鼓励她同她的姐妹们一起从事盖亚的事业。这样,老人和年轻人的斗争继续着(Thus, thestruggle between the old and young continues.)。以盖亚女神的名义,Furies会报复任何针对女性的罪行,以及对女神的侮辱和对她造物的亵渎。
外貌:虽然部族是从古希腊发源的,但今天Furies已经扩展到了全世界,适应(也改变)了很多文化。在Crinos,Hispo和Lupus形态,她们的毛显得特别黑,常常带着白,灰或者银色的光泽。根据古老的法律,部族中唯一的男性是其他Furies的Metis儿子。古希腊艺术把人形的Furies描述为优雅,致命的武士,不过21世纪的Furies痛恨被说成是一个形象。没有一个统一的标准可以表述部族的美丽和优雅,同样也没有一个标准能定义女权主义。尽管有着不停政治和实践上的争执,没有其它的狼人团体能如此有效的聚集都市朋克,现代亚马逊,女权知识分子和年老、显赫的女伯爵(no other group of werewolves can gather together urban punks, modern Amazons, feminist intellectuals and aging grande dames so effectively.这都是什么人那)。
领地:从部族的整个历史上来说,Furies是非常隐秘的。她们认为保护Wyld最后的圣地是她们的神圣责任。随着最终之日(the Final Days)的接近,她们能躲藏的地方越来越少了。部族的领地曾经由神秘的护符保护,不过这样的屏障已经消失了。女性武士仍然坚定的保护着神圣的树林和岛屿,不过越来越多的Furies移民到人类城市,在那里发起政治行动,抗议和抵抗。如果她们隐藏的幽谷和树林被发现了,那么也许就是到第一线去参加战斗的日子到了。隐藏的时间已经过去。
初始 Willpower:3 背景限制:无。这让你感觉败了吗? 初始天赋:Breath of the Wyld, Heightened Senses, Sense Wyrm
形象: 象飞扑的鹰一样,一个Black Fury的尚武者抓住了她的对手:
Bone Gnawers:她们是可怜的生物,不过也很有用,只要给她们同情心……或者多余的食物。只要记得站在她们上风就行了。
Children of Gaia:我仰慕能如此大胆的表达出她们信仰的人,特别是这信仰象和平一样值得赞美。
Get of Fenris:她们的自我象她们的肌肉一样膨胀。如果Get象她们说得那样多,只有在他腚部上来一脚才能让他收声。
Glass Walkers:和城市有联系是好的,所以她们大都值得认识。没有她们的帮助,城市也够坏了。
Red Talons: 最好把她们留在野外。最低程度上说,她们对人类的憎恨具有攻击性。我只是对种族仇恨没什么耐性,OK?
Shadow Lords:狡猾,奸诈,操纵——这些你都听说过,是吧?除此以外,一个Lord能够让你深入的洞察敌人的计划……而且你不小心的话,也许还会背叛你对她们的想法。
Silent Striders:很好的旅行伙伴。在所有的部族里,她们是你行动时最好的同伴,不管是在影界的深处,还是野外的心脏地带。
Silver Fangs:也许她们对自己的过去有些自负,但偶尔会有人碰到机会,证明自己是个英雄。哦,现在可别指望她们。
部落:Bone Gnawers
Bone Gnawers
Bone Gnawers 组成了狼族国度的社会渣滓。绝大多数的部族认为他们不过是躲在人类的城市里可怜的拾荒人。竞争对手却坚持认为他们正在种群基因的末端象狗一样扒拉着;毕竟,假如他们的幼狼有能力加入其他部族,那么他们早就这样做了。多数狼人和这个部族打交道时带着轻蔑的态度——至少认为Gnawers是一群滑稽的傻瓜 ——可是这个部族在世界上也相当的狼丁兴旺。在其他部族失败的方面——隐藏在人类的心脏地带——Bone Gnawers十分成功。 他们拼凑起来的家谱能追溯到印度和北非,不过现在,这个部族的幼仔能在任何贫穷的地方找到。在整个人类历史中,他们生活在社会的边缘,作为农民、奴隶或是普通人。尽管他们总是受欺压者,但是他们的历史中充满了帮助“普通人”在几乎不可能的情况下获得胜利的故事。Bone Gnawer的故事中讲述他们的祖先曾帮助罗宾汉,为美国独立战争战斗,法国大革命时围捕贵族,甚至在共产主义革命的时候支持工人阶级(这个……很光荣么)。其他部族嘲笑这些故事,说他们只是劣质酒喝多了。不过幼狼和cliath留意这些传说,从中找到鼓舞并继续战斗。 其他部族中的狼人可能会通过恐吓和胁迫的手段来从自己族类中得到权力,但是有Bone Gnawers控制的氏族通常是相当集体主义的,或者十分民主。他们的理由是,当你从人类社会的裂缝中跌落下来后,在社会底层碰到的每个人都应当认为是平等的。尽管抱有这种欢迎的态度,这个部族仍然对外人保留了一些秘密和传统。在它人眼里,他们的图腾和仪式显得至少是有些奇异。他们或者给大垃圾堆供奉便宜的酒,或者唱Frank Sinatra的歌来召唤纽约市参议员(to summon the New York City Father),或者给Elvis(猫王?)和美国梦留下些花生酱。Bone Gnawers痴迷于外人看来是完全发狂的行为。可是,他们坚持他们的行动是神圣的。每个人都对Bone Gnawer的氏族有其想法,但是有些观点简直偏到了火星上(Everyone has a say in a Bone Gnawer sept, but some of their opinions are straight out of the ozone.)。 Gnawers身上显得肮脏和污秽,吃的是剩菜和垃圾堆里找到的食物,而且通常是愤世嫉俗和厌世的。不过他们也积累了街道上的经验和恶毒的智慧。就像他们从垃圾和废物里搜寻食物和工具那样,他们机灵的发掘着街道上的秘密。尽管看起来很可怜,但是他们十分适合于游击战术和城市战斗。他们象老鼠一样,聚集在意想不到和隐蔽的位置,一起攻击然后退回安全地带。如果其他人认为他们是疯子和傻瓜,那更好——无论如何,出其不意的进攻总是更加有效的。 在这个部族里没有什么高尚的狼人思想,因为实用性是最重要的。他们认为自由和艰难的生存比什么都重要,绝大多数都对走着下坡路的人们怀有极深的同情心,并且常常吸收被击垮的人类(和其它绝望的超自然生物)为同盟。部族的长老,被尊称为“母亲”或者“父亲”,密切的注意着扩大的家庭可能导致的后果。在生活中,他们对剥削者积累了一种的狂热的憎恨,不管剥削者是贪婪还是冷酷无情。因此,慷慨是部族中衡量地位的重要标准。 虽然大多数狼人自然的认为Gnawers是个城市化的部族,但部族里有些阵营(camp)和家族喜欢田园风味。Hillfolk很简朴地生活在阿巴拉契亚山脉(Appalachians)和整个美国南方乡下,遵循着一种被称为“大地之子”(其他人会称之为“乡巴佬”)的老式的生活方式。另一个更不出名的阵营,食人者,很好的隐藏着他们的倾向,因为狼人律法和人类法律中都禁止吃人。他们中有些在大城市中最腐化堕落的地方捕猎,不过大多数喜欢躲藏在野外,只在绝对需要捕猎的时候才出现。 这个部族有个……四海为家的名声……因为他们有在城市里生存的天赋。只有Glass Walkers才会觉得城市很舒适,那也是因为他们有能力享受人类最奢侈的生活。Gnawers是收集各种废物,赃物,垃圾和其他各种各样的东西的大师,不过其他人会认为这些东西一点用都没有。他们的不少仪式和天赋允许他们在城市中最难以忍受的情况下存活,即使只能吃到纸片和干面条。不管在人类还是狼人的社会里,他们都长于乞讨和阿谀奉承。残羹剩饭就能成为Bone Gnawer的一顿美餐,每个垃圾场都肥的流油……只要你知道如何利用垃圾。即使其他狼人被Apocalypse毁灭了,Bone Gnawers将会是最后一个继续存在的部族。
外貌:Bone Gnawers游荡在人类大城市的街上,他们是流浪汉,蓝领和无家可归者。即使在人类形态,他们也常常显得污秽、消瘦、饥饿和野蛮。他们在这种伪装下巡游在街道上。在狼的形态,他们的皮毛乱成一团,颜色难看,沾染着污斑,散发着难闻的气味。有的Gnawers会装成流浪狗或迷路的宠物狗,但是任何人类都会本能的感觉到Bone Gnawers那沉默的愤怒和痛苦。有些家伙会和流浪狗交配,不过最多只能产生些奇怪的杂种,一种野性和危险的动物,更像狼而不是狗。
领地:没有别的部族能比他们更了解街道上的生活。当Glass Walkers舒适的躺在城市里最昂贵的豪宅里的时候,Bone Gnawers却潜伏在最糟糕的地方。废弃的建筑,垃圾场和掩埋堆,黑暗的小巷和破烂的贫民窟都是他们通常的捕猎场所。不过他们的拜访也不都是可怕的。作为最相信民主和平等的部族,Bone Gnawers保护着城市里有利于平民的部分。负责任的狼人保护公共图书馆,博物馆,运动场,城市公园,无家可归者的收容所和其他有益大众的场所。
部族图腾:老鼠 初始Willpower:4 背景限制:Bone Gnawers人物不能购买Ancestors,Pure Breed或者Resources。这些好运气只会落在其他部族的狼人手里。 初始天赋:Cooking, Resist Toxin, Tagalong 口号:嘿,你!该死的,别弄脏了我的盒子!你以为这是什么,一个房间?这里是我的家,如果你还不赶快滚的话,我就会把你的那东西咬下来。你听到了吗,咬!
形象:Piss-in-the-Wind(好名字!),一个Bone Gnawer的嘲讽者,用他的情报换来了一顿热饭。
Black Furies:多可爱的小鸡啊!他们可证明了我一直在说的:女人第一!告诉她们,她们有多酷。这样,她们就会在战斗开始的时候站在你前面了。
Children of Gaia:嗯,是的,我完全赞成和平。特别是和平会使一个氏族变得兴隆,毕竟这意味着每个人都有更多的食物。另外,Bone Gnawers仍然是最后一条防线,所以我们应该成为更加完全的和平主义者。
Get of Fenris:看见那个Get了吗?噢,那个把尾巴翘的那么高的家伙一定是什么战士。他们太自负了,我很高兴看到他们为了保护我们而去死。我知道着很卑鄙,不过我讨厌他们把我们踢来踢去。
Glass Walkers:你可一定要在自己狼群里弄上这个一个家伙。他们有足够的钱来支付你需要的一些。并且告诉他们付餐馆的帐单。他们会喜欢的。
Red Talons: 我不知道我能不能信任他们。我是说,要是世界上一个人都没有,他们在城市里能干什么? Shadow Lords:嗯。潜伏,打探。不过他们在街道上发掘的消息仍然没有我们多。他们会用他们所知道的来利用你,所以注意别把自己给卖了。
Silent Striders: 我在旅行的时候,他们有时会帮我乞讨食物。不幸的是,他们中有的人会“牺牲”一些猫头鹰的牲口。如果他们中间的一员碰了我的老鼠朋友,我会教训他的。
Silver Fangs:哦,是的,先生,Silver Fang先生。你可以走到前面,站到整个狼群面前,每个人都能看到你。需要我在你前额上画个准星吗?
部落:Chirdren of Gaia
Chirdren of Gaia
在远古的时代,狼人滥杀人类和彼此战争。各部族中对此不满的成员组成了一个新的部族,称呼他们自己为 Chirdren of Gaia。他们祈求和平和农耕时代(Impergium)的结束。他们用一种殉教式的决心祈求着,人们听到了他们的声音,并且部族也渐渐联合起来了……至少,有足够的部族联合起来,阻止了杀戮。不过Children族已经诞生和壮大,唯一的一个诞生于和平呼声中的部族。 今天,Children在氏族之间、狼群之间旅行,调停纠纷和试图说服狼族:他们共同的目标——保护盖亚——远远比在不断的冲突中失去远见更重要。Children宣称,协调在与他们真正敌人的战斗中是最好的武器之一。对Children来说,盖亚是个可爱的母亲,而妖蛆的毒害滋生的原因正是缺乏她的爱。他们坚持,如果归结到这些基本的概念,部族间“多样性”的不同意见会很快趋向一致。 Children和平者的身份的确赢得了些(不情愿的)尊重,但是他们也忍受着相当的嘲笑。有人说他们脑子进水,浪费时间;有人藐视这种出现在武士社会里的和平主义的理念。不过Children of Gaia也并非不抵抗主义者。被激怒的时候,Children的愤怒是可怕的,并且常常由于被压抑了很久而更为可怕。况且,这个部族也知道狼人们常常会觉得需要“伸出爪子到城里去”(And the tribe understands that werewolves will often feel the need to "pop claws and go to town.")。不过不幸的是,暴力是一种过于极端的手段(就像Children常对Get of Fenris说的那样)。如果两个狼人打起来,一个很可能会死,幸存者也肯定会比以前弱。这样只有Wyrm才是获胜者。如果狼人因为一个正常、清白的人类出现在错误的地点而杀了他,这个人类的爱人会感到痛苦。同样只有Wyrm才会在痛苦中得到好处。 虽然其他部族持续的缩小,Children of Gaia却以令人惊异的顽强支撑着。如果说他们并没有扩大,那么至少他们缩小的速度较慢。主要的原因是这个部族吸收任何要求加入的狼族。他们很少出现在其他部族,而当他们出现时,他们显得特别耐心,甚至对混血狼人也很友善——实际上他们是平等的看待混血狼人的(They are rare among tribes in that they are more than tolerant or even kind to metis — they actually treat them as equals.)。所以,很多混血狼人会寻找他们以得到接受。同时,生在Black Furies的男性狼人也大多在Gaia's Children之间安家。这个部族的成员还经常关注着走失的幼狼,如果发现了不明显属于某个特定部族的幼狼,Children会愉快的为它找一个家。 Children of Gaia组成了松散的狼群和更加松散的氏族。他们没有明显的阶层,也没有象其他部族那样严格的级别。他们实行一种完全的民主,领头的会试图从与事情有关的氏族成员中得到一致的结论。每个氏族会有两个长老,在调停纠纷方面担任领导地位。他们被称为女神之声(总是女性)和女神之臂(总是男性)。 作为一个部族,他们在人类的环保组织里最为活跃。通过一个巨大的学生、教师、说客和其他亲族组成的网络,他们已经极大的改变了人们的观点,推动了保护生态环境法律的出台——通常这些提案只能得到国会议员们“感谢你的努力”式的回绝。他们努力提升Native Americans的地位,这也提高了他们在Uktena和Wendigo眼里的地位。尽管如此,很多狼人仍然抱怨说,“太少了,太迟了。” 虽然外人很少知道,但是Children在人类需要、乃至允许什么程度的教育这个问题上有分歧。一派相信,某些人类不仅能够接受关于盖亚的和狼人的真相,也能在知识的武装下成为必要的同盟。这个派别已经挑选了几个人,但是他们希望能在更广泛的范围推行这事。另一派比较谨慎,知道这样的信息落入错误的手中可能产生的危害。他们也知道,狼人王国的其他人会因为他们揭开了Veil而加害于他们(而且还破坏了律法)。一个小但是不断增长的少数派认为这样做已经太迟了了,理由是Apocalypse即将到来,除了最后的动员之外已经没有时间做任何别的事了。这些强硬的Children认为其他部族应该“去做,要么闭嘴”,他们应该停止分级,或者不顾一切的做他们能作的事(They should close ranks beside them or be cut loose to fare as best they may.)。最后一派坚持,虽然农耕时代的停止是件好事,但是应该找到更好的办法来干扰Weaver的扩张。他们说,在两种邪恶中选择一个,仍然是选择了邪恶。 这些分歧可悲的显示了Children正处在比说服他人更艰难的处境中。百万年来他们努力提倡和平,却发现人类和狼人看起来天生就需要战争。这个部族已经取得了很多进展,但是仍然有很多事要做,而时间又那么少。Children的嚎叫声里不约而同的带有一种苦涩的腔调,这也是一个小小的奇迹吧。
外貌:人类血统的Children of Gaia来自所有种族和文化。狼类血统的Children有强壮而干净的四肢,毛皮为棕色或灰色,带有白色条纹。其他部族的狼类形态散发着危险和凶猛的冷酷气息,Children则环绕着镇定、平静的气氛,他们能传播恐惧,也能驱除恐惧。
亲属:Children of Gaia的亲属可能来自任何国家。他们对任何环境和社会的问题和讨论有着不寻常的敏感,而这些讨论建立了一张和他们狼族亲属的联系网。
领地:Children of Gaia诞生于Fertile Crescent文明(这是什么?)和腓尼基。不过几百万年来,这个部族在一直在旅行,到最需要他们的地方去。现在,大多数Children认为北美是个很好的家和基地,不过他们散布在世界各个需要他们的地方。
部族图腾:独角兽 初始Willpower:4 背景限制:无 初始天赋:Mercy, Mother's Touch, Resist Pain
口号:是的,我教导人类尊敬自然,而不是害怕自然。我们会消灭我们所害怕的东西,而那就是你杀人的动机,不是吗? 形象:Peter Falling-Light,Child of Gaia的通神者,说出了他的想法:
Black Furies:象我们一样,我们Furies也看到世界需要救治。区别是,他们不会对很多需要的人显示仁慈(很多需要的人是指女性吧)。
Bone Gnawers:他们是我们的一员;我们不能让家庭出现被驱逐者。
Get of Fenris:怀着骄傲去做你想做的事并把它做好是不错的……除非那事情是把手臂能够的着的一切都撕碎。
Glass Walkers:他们已经适应了在Weaver的领域生活,不过在他们的鱼缸外面,他们还能够生存吗?
Red Talons:我喜欢他们的诚实。不过我并不关心他们的悲伤。
Shadow Lords:狼族是来帮助他人的,不过不包括Shaow Lords,我们的大多数动机是为了自己。
Silent Striders:有时我羡慕他们的自由,不过“再见”这个词对他们来说太熟了。
Silver Fangs:一个强大和高尚的领导肯定能把部族联系在一起。这还用问吗?!
译者: 努塔瑞
It's said that the first Galliard was a Fianna. 有人说最早的欢舞者是一个芬尼安。 The more humble of this tribe shake their heads and say, "No, no the first one, just the best one." 不过更多谦逊的芬尼安人摇着头说:“不,不是第一个,不过是最好的一个。” Hailing from Western Europe and the British Isles in particular, the Fianna are a tribe that indulges in its passions for music, drink, love and fighting (not necessarily in that order). 作为来自西欧和英格兰群岛的部族,芬尼安嗜好音乐、美酒、爱情和搏击等等。 The tribe also includes the finest lorekeepers and bards of the Garou, for they learn the tales of other tribes as well as their own. 同时他们也以有最棒的学者和诗人闻名,因为他们一视同仁的积极学习别部落的文化。 None can match the memory of a Fianna master bard, who can recite a clan generation by generation easily back thousands of years. 没有人有芬尼安诗人大师那样的本事,他们能追述一个部族的世代直到千年之前。 Garou from other tribes come to the Fianna to learn the old stories of heroes and battles, lists of lineages and tales of tragedy. 其他部族的狼人会到芬尼安来学习古代的英雄、战争的故事、学习古老的血脉传承和历史的悲剧。 Members of Stag's tribe are often called to be judges, for their memories are long and they arts familiar with Litany precedent as few others are. 牡鹿之民常常被称为审判员,因为他们不但拥有良好的记忆力,并且他们熟悉那些古老的连祷文,在其他部族,很少人能做到这些。 Fianna have quite a reputation for enjoying themselves to excess. 芬尼安素有纵欲之名。 Music, dancing, drinking, love and general merriment are more than simple pastimes. 对音乐、舞蹈、美酒、爱情还有各种各样的游戏的追求远远超越了普通消遣的水平。 Stag's tribe is very serious about the fine art of the good time. 牡鹿之民十分看重艺术的价值。 For this reason more than any other, the Fianna are taken less than seriously by other Garou. 这吸引了芬尼安最多的注意力,使他们不那么在意其他的狼人。 Fianna tend to be extroverts who enjoy parties and gatherings of all kinds. 芬尼安整体性格倾向于外向,所以他们喜欢找来各种各样的家伙扎堆。 They can also be deeply moody; Harano strikes the Fianna more often than any other tribe save the Silver Fangs. 但他们也会陷入深深的阴郁;除了银牙,芬尼安最容易受到消沉的打击。 No, the Fianna never do anything by halves! 不,芬尼安无法摆脱这两个极端。 Their mercurial personalities, coupled with their Creativity, are often linked to their ancestral ties with the fae folk. 他们这样双重的个性再加上他们出众的创造力,经常会让人认为他们的血脉和妖精有关。 In fact, many Garou (including the Fianna themselves) suspect that a touch of faerie blood runs through Fianna veins. 实际上,很多狼人(包括芬尼安自己)都怀疑妖精的血混杂在他们的血液里。 While not every tribe member can carry a tune, most members of Stag's tribe are encouraged to be creative. 虽然不是每个家伙都能调整好自己,不过大多数牡鹿之民喜欢创造。 It's the rare Theurge that doesn't embellish a fetish with curling designs representing the spirit housed within, and many Ahroun can forge weapons that are works of art as well as death-dealers. 他们就像不卷发的先知一样把自己的灵魂藏在心底,他们很多都能制作带来死亡的艺术品——武器Other tribes have painters, dancers, writers and musicians, but the Fianna have them in spades. 其他部族也有画家、舞蹈家、作家与音乐家,但是芬尼安的这类人才远远胜过他们。 In addition to being sociable, the Fianna are the most likely of all werewolves to fall in love, either with humans or (all to frequently) other Garou. 除了善交际,芬尼安还是狼人中最容易坠入爱河的,不管对象是人或者是狼人(常有的事)。 Such romances end in tragedy far more often than not, supplying grist for ballads and stories to fill a thousand heart-breaking nights. 而这样的浪漫往往更多的以悲剧结尾,留下的歌谣和故事在平淡朴实的生活中回响,陪伴人们度过一个个心碎的夜晚。 Should an illicit union bear tainted fruit, have nothing but pity for the offspring. 因为这样违禁的结合如果有了肮脏的结晶,那么除了那孩子无尽的痛苦什么也不会留下。 Fianna are hard on their metis, for it's traditional wisdom that a twisted body mirrors a twisted soul. 芬尼安的人们对杂种十分刻薄,因为千百年来的智慧使他们明白,这样扭曲的身体里面一定有一个扭曲的灵魂。 Metis never hold positions of power within the tribe — custom forbids it. 传统禁止杂种在部族里有任何有权力的职务。 It's a sad irony that abusive treatment sometimes drives the metis to the Wyrm, which only proves the metis!taint in the eyes of the more hard-line elders. 对杂种的虐待使他们被迫投向妖蛆,而这在强硬的长老眼里正证明了杂种的劣根性,这真是绝佳的讽刺。 Despite their rowdy reputation, it would be a bad idea to think of the Fianna as merely drunken sots who can spout stories. 因为他们喜欢吵闹的坏名声就把芬尼安看成是只会讲故事的酒鬼,这是不合适的。 Those who have thought so have learned their lesson quickly. 那些这样想的人很快就会受到教训。 The joy of battle is not the least of their joys! 战争不是他们唯一的快乐之源! Time and again their ferocity has surprised the Get of Fenris or other interlopers who expected that lovers couldn't be fighters. 不知多少次,他们的凶猛让Get of Fenris和其他好战分子都惊讶不已,他们以为正沐浴爱河的人不会奋起作战。 Some say that the world is better for the drinking and dancing; without an outlet for that passionate energy, the Fianna would probably be more battle-mad than the Get! 有些人说世界如此美丽因为可以喝酒唱歌;要是没有这条发泄的出路,芬尼安也许会比Get of Fenris更好战。 Now, a tribal divide is opening — the age-old schism between old and new. 现在,部族正在分裂——古老的组织分裂成新旧两党。 Many Fianna and their activist Kinfolk are using the influx of European Union capital and environmentally friendly parties to repair some of the damage done by chemical dumps and general land wasting across the British Isles as well as the rest of Europe. 不少芬尼安和他们激进的亲属已经开始利用欧盟的资金和环境保护组织开始着手在英国周边和欧洲其他地方处理化学垃圾堆存和其他普通的土地浪费。 The other faction sees that the so-called Celtic Tiger economic boom has created a flurry of unrestricted growth and development. 其他的派别发现,这些被称为凯尔特之虎的组织欣欣向荣开始如雨后春笋般蓬勃成长。 "What's the use of cleaning the Wyrm-taint from a forest if the trees are leveled and an apartment complex covers the land?" they ask. “这样有什么用?那些被妖蛆玷污的地方,树林已经被夷平,只剩下一堆灰色的公寓楼。”他们这样问。 This quandary is being noticed among the other tribes these days, but it is especially painful for the traditionalists of the Fianna. 这时候其他的部族也提出了同样的困惑,但最痛苦的莫过于芬尼安的传统人士。 If one uses the tools of the Weaver to fight the Wyrm, what can he use to fight the Weaver? 如果用Weaver做工具与妖蛆对抗,那该用什么来对抗Weaver呢?
appearance: 外观: In wolf form, the Fianna are quite striking. 当狼形态的时候,芬尼安是很引人注目的。 They are huge like dire wolves (with the occasional resemblance to wolfhounds), with shining red or black fur. 他们就像恐狼一样大(极少数的时候有点像爱尔兰猎狼狗),有着光亮的红色或黑色毛皮。 They often use Gifts to make their eyes glow green. 他们经常用Gift来事自己的眼睛发出绿光。 Their howls are heartbreakingly beautiful, with an ethereal quality no other tribe can match. 他们的长嚎透出深深忧郁的美丽,那样的空灵无人能比。 Their appearance in Homid form often reflects their Celtic heritage. 他们人形态时候的外观常常有凯尔特血统的痕迹。 Most are descended from the people of the British Isles or Western Europe, and Fianna can be found almost anywhere English is spoken. 他们中大多数沿袭着不列颠岛和西欧人的生活习惯,所有说英语的地方都有他们的踪迹。Fianna can be fair-skinned or swarthy; they can be blond, dark-haired or redheads. 芬尼安有可能雪白有可能黝黑;金发、黑发、红发都有。
Kinfolk: 亲属 Their Kinfolk descend from the finest Celtic stock, many of whom immigrated throughout the world. 他们的亲属来自于最纯洁的凯尔特后裔,他们很多都移居到了世界各地 Fianna are close to their Kinfolk and fiercely protective, a fact that has led to no few skirmishes. 芬尼安和他们的亲属关系亲密,并且会勇猛地保护他们,这造成过很多冲突。 Most of their wolf Kinfolk live in North America, but a few treasured members roam hidden on protected European estates and parks. 他们大多数地狼亲戚来自北美,但也有些藏在欧洲的保护区和公园里。
Territory: 领土: In the old times, Fianna took wide moors, forests and peat bogs as their homes. 古代,芬尼安以大片的荒野、森林和泥炭沼泽为家。 As they spread across the world, the found much different locales to settle. 他们移居到世界各处的同时也找到了各式各样的住处。 Although they always prefer places that remind them of "the old country," they can be found nearly anywhere their Kinfolk have settled. 虽然他们也倾向与住在可以回忆起“故国”的地方,他们还是更注意住在离亲属近的地方。 Outside the British Isles, they are most common in Australia and New Zealand, Canada and of course the United States (particularly Appalachia). 在不列颠群岛之外,他们的聚居地集中在澳大利亚、新西兰、加拿大当然还有美国(最多的是阿巴拉契亚)。
Tribal Totem: Stag 部族图腾:雄鹿
Initial Willpower: 3 起始意志:3
Background Restrictions: No restrictions. 背景限制:无
Beginning Gifts: Faerie Light, Persuasion, Resist Toxin 初始奇能:Faerie Light, Persuasion, Resist Toxin
Quote: 引用: There's three things that'll bring you praise at the moot, lad. 有三样东西会给你赢来掌声,小伙子。 a well-spun tale, a ready wit and a clear voice. 一个真正动人的故事,一点真正的智慧和一口流利的唱腔。 <sigh>If you'll just work on the first two, you might not make a fool of your self, lad. <长叹>小伙子,如果你只能做到前两点,那你可能能让自己不太难堪。
stereotypes 固定形象 Morgan the Unruly, Fianna Ragabash, shares the gossip: 不羁者摩根,芬尼安嘲讽者,闲聊: Black Furies: Be careful around these ladies; they can't take a joke. Black Furies: 小心对待这些女士;她们开不起玩笑。 Bone Gnawers: They're looked down on, but show 'em a little kindness and they'll be your friend for life. Can't ever have too many friends. Bone Gnawers: 他们被蔑视,但只要你露出同情的神色,他们会是你一生的朋友。你不会有很多这么棒的朋友的。 Children of Gaia: A smile will go a long way, and these folks always have one for you. They'll fight with the best of them; it just takes longer to piss them off. Children of Gaia: 一个微笑能让你一路平安,而那些人总会不吝啬的给你一个。他们会为反对自己中间最强的那个而战,这会让他们滚蛋的。 Get of Fenris: They're battle-mad. They'd attack a tree if you wrote "Wyrm" on the side... assuming they can read. Get of Fenris: 他们是战狂。他们会攻击一棵树,如果你把“妖蛆”两个字写在上面……而他们识字的话。 Glass Walkers: If you need to find your way around a city, a Glass Walker will give you a hand. But don't expect a free lunch. Glass Walkers: 如果你想知道在城市附近该怎么生活,一个Glass Walker会助你良多。但别期望得到什么免费的服务。 Red Talons: Better than the Get, because they're pickier. They're discriminating psychopaths. Red Talons: 比Get of Fenris好一些,因为他们挑剔。他们是有辨别力的疯子。 Shadow Lords: Arrogant bastards. Don't shake one's hand, there's likely poison in his ring. Shadow Lords: 傲慢的杂种。不要和他们握手,他们喜欢在戒指里藏毒。 Silent Striders: Strange lot, and a little spooky. But invite one to your fire and you're in for a night of many tales. Silent Striders:很奇怪,有点神经质。邀请一个到你的火堆边,就会有很多故事陪你渡过一夜。 Silver Fangs: Respectable, traditionalists to a fault, but a bit stiff and overbearing sometimes. Still, one's king is one's king. Silver Fangs: 可敬,传统到不能接受,有时候有一点点僵化和傲慢。不管怎么说,国王就是国王。 Uktena: Pretty unfriendly, unless they think you know something they don't. Then they're only slightly unfriendly. Uktena: 不那么友好,如果他们不知道你了解他们不了解的东西。如果他们知道,那就只有一点点不友好了。 Wendigo: We've got some history. We don't get on too well. Wendigo: 我们有点历史遗留问题。我们处得不太好。 Stargazers: Too wise for us mere mortals. They're probably happier hanging out on their mountaintops. Stargazers: 对于我们这样的凡人来说,他们太睿智了。也许当吊死在山颠的时候他们会更开心些。
部落:Red Talons
译者: 努塔瑞
The Garou culled humanity long ago, because they recognized the dangerous tendency of humans to spread across wide territories if not checked. 从很早以前狼人就开始剔选人类,因为他们知道如果不仔细检查的话人类的危险会蔓延到辽阔的地域。 The tribes eventually knew pity and ended the Impergium; 部族终于明白同情和农耕时代的结束。 now the cancer-like spread of humanity is beyond anything those elders could have possibly imagined. 现在,人类像癌症一般蔓延,超越了那些长老可以想象的程度。 Yet one tribe still advocates a return to the old ways — the tribe called the Red Talons. 然而仍然有一个部族鼓吹回到过去的生活方式——它叫红色魔爪。 Lupus to the last member, they claim proudly that no human has ever tainted their tribe. 作为狼形的最后成员,他们骄傲地声称从没有人类玷污过他们的部族。 Other tribes point to the Talons as a warning of what happens when Garou forsake one side of their being, for without humans in their bloodline they have become more bestial than the wolves themselves. 其他的部族认为魔爪们的存在是一个警告,当狼人抛弃本质的一部分后的典型,因为他们的血脉中没有人类的血液,他们甚至比真狼更凶暴。 Their savage howls make even homid Garou uneasy. 他们原始的号叫甚至使人形的狼族都感到不安 The Talons follow tradition closely — not the tradition of Silver Fangs, but that of their wolf brethren. 魔爪们严格地遵循传统——不是Silver Fangs的传统,而是他们的狼同胞的。 More than any other tribe, the Red Talons decide their hierarchy by strength, cunning and endurance. 相比其他部族,红色魔爪更多的以力量,诡诈和耐力决定他们的等级。 Pack members test each other at a sign of weakness, and the one most fit for leadership assumes the role of alpha. 组织的成员会检验彼此的缺点,然后会有一个最具有领导能力的担任头儿的角色。 The alpha demands unquestioned loyalty from the pack, and he gets it. 头儿要求并能得到所有组织成员毫无疑问的忠心。 He eats first of the best portions of the kill, followed by the rest of the pack in descending order of status, yet no member of the pack goes hungry. 他能首先食用猎物的最好部分,然后其余的组织成员才按照自己的身份依次进餐,直到没有人再觉得饿。 Tribal law is clear-cut. 部族的规矩简单而有效。 If a crime has been committed against the Garou, the pack doesn't indulge in haggling or soul-searching — it delivers justice swiftly and moves on. 如果有人触犯了狼人的规矩,组织不会沉湎于争辩和盘查灵魂,而是很快的执行正义然后继续前行。 Red Talons dwell in wilderness, away from the noise and stench of human settlements. 红色魔爪居住于荒野之中,远离人类居住地的喧嚣与恶臭。 Their territory is often "posted" with the skulls of trespassers. 他们的领土经常用擅闯者的头骨“标记”。 More than any other werewolves, Talons are at home in the wilderness, following paths others fear to tread. 相比起其他狼人,魔爪在荒野里面显得更象在家里面,延着别人不敢踏足的小径。 Even their detractors among the other tribes must admit that the Red Talons have long memories, and that they probably practice rites and keep secrets long forgotten by the rest of the Garou. 即使是其他部族中批评他们的人也必须承认红色魔爪能追忆起很久以前,而且大概他们实行的仪式和保持的秘密室其他部族失传以久的。 Now, as forests are logged and caerns bulldozed, as their hunting grounds are subdivided and their Kin are poisoned and shot, the outrage of Griffin's tribe is beyond measure. 现在,因为森林被劈成了木材、caerns(这个是什么???)被推土机推平,因为他们的猎场被分割、他们的族人被毒害枪杀,Griffin部族的义愤已经无法度量。 The Talons' hatred of humanity is legendary; to the Garou Nation, they are living reminders of the Impergium and a constant to the species' existence. 魔爪们对人类的痛恨十分著名;对于狼人一族来说,他们是农耕时代的纪念者和坚持维护旧模式的存在。 But not all Talons espouse the humans' extermination. 但是不是所有的魔爪都支持杀光人类。 Most believe that returning to a policy of culling would be sufficient. 他们中的很多人相信剔选掉人类中的一大批混蛋就足够了。 In fact, some humans actually live peacefully near Talon territories, if those humans are few and show the land proper respect. 事实上,如果人类不多而且能对土地抱有恰当的尊敬,他们居然可以安宁的生活在魔爪的领地边。 It is more common for a pack to make examples of any who wander too near, trusting that fear will keep the apes in the safety of their scablike cities. 某组织惩罚几个靠得太近的迷路者来告戒其他人是再正常不过的了,请相信,恐惧是让那些猿猴们呆在他们安全的如疥癣一般的城市里的最好方法。 Many wonder if the Talons have been corrupted by the Wyrm, for rumors of their cruelty to humans rival tales of the evil rites of the Black Spiral Dancers. 没有人会相信魔爪会被妖蛆腐蚀,因为他们残忍对待人类的流言足以匹敌有关Black Spiral Dancers邪恶仪式的传说。 For the most part, Talons slay man, woman and child wholeheartedly, but they do so quickly. 大多数情况下,魔爪全心投入地宰杀男人、女人、小孩,但他们干的很快。 Some enjoy it, others take to the task as a duty, but wounding so the prey will suffer for hours or days isn't natural(although it may be just). 有些魔爪喜欢杀人,有些把杀人当成责任,但是伤害得那么折磨人以至于牺牲者要受几个小时或者几天的痛苦是不自然的(即使这可能是公正的)。 However, the younger Talons have begun making elaborate rituals of their mini-Impergium in recent years, and it worries the elders. 然而,更年轻的魔爪会在近几年开始进行他们精心准备的迷你农耕时代的仪式,这让长老们很担心。 To savor the fear of the prey is one thing, but to draw the agony out over days... that is something the apes do. 享用牺牲者的恐惧是一回事,但是把痛苦延长到几天……这个是猿猴才干得出来的。 A dark secret of the Talons is that more than a few consume the flesh of their victims regularly, disregarding one of the Litany's tenets. 魔爪的黑暗秘密是漠视律法的原则,有条理的毁灭不少他们牺牲品的血肉。 These rogues insist that the Stargazers included that provision in the Litany, and since they're gone, it doesn't matter anymore. 这些流氓认为the Stargazers只应该存在于律法的条文里面,让这些人消失掉,就不会再有人会在乎这些了。 Appearance: 外观: In wolf form, Talons are generally largeframed, with noticeably oversized jaws and paws. 在他们呈现狼形态的时候,魔爪通常体形庞大,有着引人注目的血盆大口和巨爪。 Even in Lupus, their claws are almost catlike in sharpness. 当化为狼形时,他们的爪子就像猫一样锐利。 Their fur tends toward ruddy brown. 他们的毛往往是顺向的红褐色。 Perhaps the most unusual feature of the tribe is the shock of blood- or flame-red fur always present somewhere on their bodies. 也许这个部族不寻常的外貌是因为血红色带来的视觉冲击——火红的毛总是出现在他们身上。 Talons boast that it is a badge of honor from Gaia, showing her approval for the only tribe willing to advocate putting humans back in their place. 魔爪们把这个自夸为大地母亲的荣誉勋章,体现了母亲对唯一一个提倡把人类赶回去的部族的承认。 Less extreme tribes contend (quietly) that it is Gaia's mark of shame to the last adherents of the Impergium. 很少的极端部族主张(小声地说)这个是大地母亲对最后一个信奉农耕时代文化的部族的打下的可耻印记。 In Homid form (which they rarely ever assume), Talons are crude, hairy, slouching and unkempt; they never look when they can glare. 当他们呈现人形态的时候(他们很少这么做),魔爪们显得粗鲁、多毛、懒散和蓬乱;当他们可以瞪着眼睛怒目而视的时候,他们从来不好好看。 They shamble, unused to walking on two legs, and find the human's mild sensory depravation unnerving. 他们摇摇晃晃,不习惯用两条腿走路,并且觉得人类温和的感观会使他们失常堕落。 Kinfolk: 亲属: Red Talons guard the dwindling wolf packs across the world. 红色魔爪越过世界保护那些日益缩小的狼组织。 Many won't even acknowledge human Kinfolk, sparking many bloody conflicts with other tribes. 他们中间很多甚至不承认与人类的亲缘关系,他们触发了很多与其他部族的血腥冲突。 All wolves, Kinfolk or not, are precious to the tribe, and even a pup is worth a few human lives. 所有的狼,不管是不是亲属,都被部族珍视,甚至一条小狗都比几个人类的命有价值。 To lose a wolf to starvation or disease is a reason to mourn; to lose one to hunters is an excuse for revenge. 一条狼饿死或是病死让人哀伤,一条狼被猎杀那么必有人为他复仇。 Territory: 领土: Red Talons dwell in the deepest wilderness, away from the taint that humans bring. 红色魔爪居住在荒野的最深处,远离人类带来的污染。 Occasionally, a pack will set up its territory near civilization, but only to conduct raids against their enemies. 偶尔,有一个组织会把他们的版图移近文明世界,但是这仅仅是为了引导他们袭击敌人。 Tribal Totem: Griffin 部族图腾:Griffin Initial Willpower: 3 初始感知:3 Background Restrictions: 背景限制: Red Talons may not buy Allies, Contacts or Resources. 红色魔爪不能买盟友,联系或是资源。 Their only Kinfolk are wolves. 他们唯一的亲属是狼 Beginning Gifts: 初始奇能: Beast Speech, Scent of Running Water, Wolf at the Door 野兽速度,流水嗅踪,Wolf at the Door(???怎么翻?)
stereotypes 固定形象 Quote: 引用: Why should we submit to the new Impergium where humans cull wolves? 凭什么我们要顺从这个人剔选狼的新农耕时代? Lynx-Killer, Red Talons Galliard, howls softly: 杀手林克斯,红色魔爪欢舞者,温柔地号叫 Black Furies: It is not right to deny your father and love only your mother. Both are needed. Black Furies: 只爱你的母亲拒绝你的父亲是不对的。他们都很重要。 Bone Gnawers: There will always be a lowest-ranked wolf in every pack. In the Garou Nation, it is the Bone Gnawers. Bone Gnawers: 在每个组织里总有最低等的成员。在狼人一族里,他们是Bone Gnawers。 Children of Gaia: Harmony is good. Harmony with your enemies is not. Humans are our enemies. Children of Gaia: 和睦是好的。对你的敌人用不着和睦。人类是我们的敌人。 Fianna: When howling, their voices are beautiful; otherwise, they babble and brawl. Fianna: 当号叫的时候,他们的声音是那么美丽;其他的时候,他们胡言乱语争吵怒骂。 Get of Fenris: They fight like the wolverine, and they eat like wolverines too. Get of Fenris: 他们像狼獾一样战斗,也向狼獾一样进食。 Glass Walkers: They are abominations. In fighting the Wyrm, they have allowed the Weaver to take their souls! Glass Walkers: 他们让人憎恶。在与妖蛆战斗的时候,他们允许秩者拿走他们的灵魂! Shadow Lords: It is right they test the Silver Fangs, but the Shadow Lords are not fit to lead. They must use deception to cover their weakness. Shadow Lords: 他们检测the Silver Fangs是对的,但是Shadow Lords不适合做领袖。他们必须使用诡计来掩护他们的弱点。 Silent Striders: There is something wrong with them. Wolves are never lone by choice. Silent Striders: 狼族通过选择将绝不会孤独。 Silver Fangs: A pack leader must lead. They have grown fat and sluggish and mad. Silver Fangs: 一个组织的头儿必须能领导大家。他们变的又肥胖又迟钝又疯狂。 Uktena: They keep many secrets, which is not that different from lying. They dabble with the Wyrm too much. Uktena: 他们保留了很多秘密,有些已经无异于谎言。他们被妖蛆窜改的太多了。 Wendigo: A proud tribe, more honest than most. Wendigo: 一个骄傲的部族,比大多数部落都诚实些。 Stargazers: It is well that they leave. There is nothing left of instinct in them, only thinking, thinking, thinking! Stargazers: 他们走了才好。他们身上已经没什么本能,只有思考,思考,思考!
部落:Shadow Lords
译者: 努塔瑞
Dominance and submission, mastery and servitude - such concepts form the basis of Shadow Lord society. 统治与顺从,控制与奴役-这些是阴影议员社会的基础概念。 To the Lords, hierarchy is everything. 对于阴影议员们来说,阶级就是一切。 No other tribe is organized so rigidly, yet because their elders are masters of politics, they also have a reputation for treachery. 没有其他任何的部族有如此严格的组织性,然而因为他们的长老都是搞政治的大师,他们也有背信弃义的恶名。 As the rest of the world plunges into darkness, they argue, political power is the only strength holding the Garou Nation together. 因为世界的其余部分都陷入了黑暗,他们争辩道,只有政治权利能把狼人一族维系在一起。 Leadership is the only measure of worth, so it must be attained by any means necessary. 领导地位是唯一有价值的,所以它值得用一切可能的手段去争取。 Machiavellian and manipulative, the Lords are often maligned. 权谋与操控,阴影议员常常是恶毒的。 Bearing others' disdain and mistrust with simmering rage, they skulk back to their shadowy schemes and furtive activities. 承担着其他部族饱含沸腾一般狂怒的轻蔑和猜疑,他们偷偷摸摸地继续自己见不得光的图谋和鬼鬼祟祟的行动。 It's best to exact revenge when your rivals least expect it..,. 精确的复仇,比如完成你的敌人当时最不希望发生的事情,是复仇的最好的方式。 Shadow Lord cubs regale their tribal leaders openly as proud, dignified, cunning and aloof... no doubt because they fear them so much. 阴影议员的幼兽公然取悦他们的部族领袖,因为他们傲慢、威严、狡诈而且无情……毫无疑问因为他们对领袖是那么的恐惧。 The tribe's elders are renowned as cunning and merciless, but they are known for arrogance and ambition just as well. 部族的长老以狡诈和残忍闻名于世,但他们也同样因为自命不凡与野心勃勃而知名。 Devout tribal unity, elaborate conspiracies, talented spies and leaders forged in the heat of unceasing competition have made their order an unstoppable political machine. 部族虔诚的团结在一起,精心策划阴谋,在最激烈的竞争中锤炼出来的极具才华的间谍和首领率领他们组成一个无法抵挡的政治机器。 Yet this same lust for tyrannical conquest is also their greatest weakness. 同时,对于残忍征服的渴望也是他们的最大弱点。 If the tribe ever stops gaining power, it is often because of a struggle for dominance within its own ranks. 如果这个部族竟然停止钻营权力,那么往往是因为在为获得更高的阶级努力而无暇他顾。 Therefore, when an ambitious Shadow Lord seizes power, he does so quickly and decisively, destroying his rivals completely. 因此,当一个野心勃勃的阴影议员夺权的时候,他会干得干净利落,把他的敌人打至灰飞烟灭。 To do any less weakens the tribe as a whole. 为了保持部族的完整要做少量的削弱。 The Shadow Lords first formed in what is now Eastern Europe. 阴影议员部族在现今的西欧第一次成型。 During the Impergium, many were tyrants of the first order; some modern Lords still long for the purity of that age. 在农耕时代,他们中很多人是第一流的暴君;有些现代的阴影议员仍然在渴望那个时代特有的纯净。 Just as many had a reputation as loyal advisors, acting as the vigilant "betas" supporting and protecting many a great alpha. 与他们之中很多人有忠诚的顾问的名声相称,他们总是扮演在背后支持和保护伟大领袖的谨慎的幕后人物。 Nonetheless, the Shadow Lords decided to act independently of the rest of the Garou Nation when the Impergium came to an end. 尽管如此,当农耕时代即将结束时,阴影议员决定在剩余的狼人族类中独自行动。 While others pledge peace, the Lords waged war against rebellious human villages. 当其他部族承诺和平时,阴影议员就发动对于不听话的人类村子的战争。 They've had a reputation for deceit ever since. 从古至今,他们一直有骗子的坏名声。 During thousands of years of subterfuge in the Balkans, the Lords have watched human tribes and nations betray and conspire against each other... and they've learned from others' mistakes. 在巴尔干半岛诡诈频出的数千年中,阴影议员们观察人类部族和国家之间的背叛和阴谋……他们还从对方的错误中学习。 Near their most powerful caerns, the Lords found themselves continually at odds with far more sinister creatures, including conspiracies of ancient vampires. 在他们最有力量的圣地附近,阴影议员们不断地发现自己与其他很多阴险造物的不和,甚至包括在与远古吸血鬼的密谋中也争执不断。 Survival depended on making and breaking alliances with various shifting factions. 幸存者依靠反复与其他狡猾的小团体缔结与破坏盟约为生。 To this day, the Shadow Lords are the most adept at exploiting dark deals with sinister forces, including a vast array of blood-sucking freaks. 至今,阴影议员仍然是是最善于与险恶势力做地下交易以自肥的,他们的对象甚至包括吸血怪物的大军。 Few others would dare try to understand the motivations of such insidious monsters. 没有其他人胆敢妄图揣测如此阴险的怪物的动机。 The traditions of their society are confusing to other werewolves, many of whom prefer to stay far away from Garou politics. 他们社会的传统是把其他的狼人弄糊涂,使得他们宁愿远离狼人政坛。 For instance, a Shadow Lord will scheme against a weak leader but still respect a strong one. 例如,一个阴影议员会策划与弱的领袖作对但是始终敬重强的领袖。 Sept leaders know that a Shadow Lord advisor can do a masterful job of uncovering conspiracy and dissent among their followers, but only as long as the advisor approves of the sept leader's policies. 氏族领袖知道当阴谋败露或者得不到追随者的支持时阴影议员顾问会变得专横,但是这样的专横只在顾问赞成氏族领袖的政策时才有。 Many alphas prefer to keep the Lords where they can see them, and some root out insurrection merely by noticing which "allies" a Shadow Lord speaks to the most. 很多的首领希望阴影议员呆在他们可以看到的地方,而一些叛乱被发现仅仅是因为注意到阴影议员们总是说他们是盟友。 Among the Shadow Lords, tyrannical alphas hold on to power and privilege through tenacity, deception and continual subterfuge. 在阴影议员部族中,残暴的首领通过顽强、圈套和连续不断的欺骗牢牢的把握住权力和特别待遇。 Because they are so enthralled by the politics of the Garou Nation, they consider themselves guardians of the Litany, or at least the "correct" interpretation of it. 因为他们是那么的迷醉于狼人一族的政治,他们认为自己是律法的守护者,或者至少是律法的“正确”解释者。 Ragabash claim that arguing with a Shadow Lord Philodox is as futile as trying to freeze a Wendigo, as reckless as calling a Fenrir a coward and as pointless as trying to rob a Bone Gnawer. Ragabash(贱民?)认为与a Shadow Lord Philodox(Philodox什么意思?)想和阴影议员判决者争辩就像想冻住a Wendigo一样徒劳无用,就像叫Fenrir懦夫一样鲁莽轻率,就像想打劫Bone Gnawer一样毫无意义。 Any Shadow Lord respects power and condemns weakness, so nearly all of them despise the Silver Fangs, whom they consider weak and decrepit relics of the past. 任何一个阴影议员都尊敬力量和谴责软弱,所以几乎他们中的所有人都看不起the Silver Fangs,认为他们羸弱是过去世界的衰老遗迹。 Their greatest goal is to usurp power from the Fangs. 他们的最好目标是篡夺the Fangs的权力。 After doing so, dominating the Garou Nation and eventually the human race cannot be far behind. 在这样做以后,独裁统治狼人一族直至人类就都不远了。 Because they rule through fear and intimidation, no true Shadow Lord would show sympathy or tolerance for the weak. 因为他们用恐怖和胁迫来统治,真正的阴影议员不会软弱地显示出同情与宽容。 As such, they are commonly sought by agents of the Wyrm. 因为这个原因,他们常常被妖蛆的代理人寻觅。 A Shadow Lord can make an amazing ascent to power, but he is also capable of a maddening fall from grace soon thereafter if he is not careful. 一个阴影议员能令人惊讶的爬上权力的高峰,但是如果他不够小心犯了错,也同样有马上可能疯狂的堕落。 Appearance: 外观: Shadow Lords cultivate an intimidating appearance, just as they develop a respect for fear. 阴影议员从小培养出一个吓人的外表,就像他们长大的过程中逐步显露出的对恐怖的尊敬。 The archetypal Lord is dark and brooding, with a commanding bearing. 阴影议员的原型是黑发黑肤的沉思者,举止带有有居高临下的味道。 Some are genial and openly charismatic, even empathetic, while others cringe and skulk as only a consummate caern advisor can. 他们中的一些人亲切、有着坦率的超凡魅力,甚至能触及对方的内心,而另一些用只有圆满的圣地顾问能做到的程度来阿谀奉承躲藏隐匿。 In Lupus form, Lords are large and stocky, often resembling the lupine version of massive pit bulls; they usually have coats as dark as their name would imply. 在狼形态的时候,阴影议员巨大而结实,常常类似狼外形的壮实公牛;他们总是有他们名字暗示的那样黑色的皮毛。 Many homids are eager to shift to Lupus on the bleakest and rainiest days of the year. 很多人形态的阴影议员会在一年中阴冷多雨的日子里渴望变成狼形。 Kinfolk: 亲属: The oldest Kinfolk families are of Eastern European stock, but the tribe has built up "flocks" of breeding stock in other parts of the world. 最老的亲属家族是由西欧祖先传承下来的,但是部族一直被世界上其他地方来的优势血统家族扩充。 Intelligence is a highly prized trait. 智力是非常值得珍视的特质。 Kinfolk who breed with Shadow Lords usually do so after long years of tempestuous and dysfunctional romance. 被阴影议员养大的亲属在多年狂暴而有障碍的罗曼史后往往有智力。 Female Shadow Lords are sometimes drawn away from the flock toward men with power. 女性的阴影议员往往会被排挤在男性组成的权力集体之外。 A ruthless businessman, a brilliant crime lord or even a military dictator may find himself overpowered by a stalking suitor. 一个无情的商人,一个有才气的罪恶领主或者甚至一个军阀可能会因为被万夫所指而倒台。 Kinfolk don't receive much coddling, however. 无论如何,亲属不会受到溺爱。 Weaklings and victims don't deserve to breed. 懦弱者和牺牲者不值得抚养。 Territory: 领土 Bleak landscapes with dark, gloomy beauty appeal to the tribe. 具有黑暗阴郁美景的荒凉之地对部族很有吸引力。 The lands surrounding their caerns would make for fine scenery in classic horror films. 他们圣地周围的景色可以在第一流的恐怖电影中找到。 Craggy mountains, dark forests and roiling mists are perfect for a Shadow Lord's rituals and meditations. 崎岖的山脉,黑暗的森林还有浑浊的薄雾正适合阴影议员的典礼和冥想。 Because of regular worship to Grandfather Thunder, storms are common around caerns dominated by Shadow Lords 因为对Grandfather Thunder的正式祭拜中,经常会有阴影之主操纵的暴风雨环绕着圣地。 Tribal Totem: 部族图腾 Grandfather Thunder is worshipped by cults of reverent Shadow Lords, some of whom see him as quite removed from Mother Gaia. Grandfather Thunder在阴影议员信徒虔诚的祭仪中被敬拜,他们中有一些认为他和大地母亲毫无关系。 Initial Willpower: 3 初始感知:3 Background Restrictions: 背景限制: Shadow Lords cannot attain the Allies or Mentor Background. 阴影议员不能获得同盟或者顾问背景。 Any such alliance is temporary at best; anything less is an invitation to betrayal. 任何同盟最多是暂时的;至少是邀请被出卖。 Beginning Gifts: 初始奇能: Aura of Confidence, Fatal Flaw, Seizing the Edge 信心光环,致命狂风(该不是致命缺点吧?),空手入白刃 Quote: 引用: You fool! 你这个蠢货! Our enemy is a madman, a tyrant who will not give up so easily. 我们的敌人是疯子,一个不是那么容易放弃的暴君。 Like many ambitious men, he is weak to his own flaws. 像很多野心勃勃的人一样,他有使他脆弱的缺陷。 Perhaps you should let me lead the raid against him. 也许你能允许我领导一个针对他的突袭。 I know how he thinks.... 我知道他怎么想……
stereotypes 固定形象 Janos Raven-Claw, Shadow Lord Philodox, confides what his spies have confirmed: 鸦爪亚诺斯,阴影议员判决者,只相信自己的间谍证实的事情: Black Furies: Their pride is their undoing, and they definitely feel the need to prove themselves. As long as one's got a chip on her shoulder, you'll know exactly how to exploi... er, speak to her. Black Furies: 她们的傲慢是他们失败的原因,而她们明确的感到考验自己的需要。只要有缺口需要她负责,你知道怎么去剥削……哦,与她说。 Bone Gnawers: Desperate for help. If you patronize their company, they'll reveal all sorts of interesting secrets. The Bone Gnawers' mastery of stealth and hidden talents in war are vastly underrated. Bone Gnawers: 极度渴望得到帮助。如果你资助了他们的团队,他们会展现他们所有有趣的隐秘。The Bone Gnawers对秘密行动的掌握和对战争的潜能被大大的看轻了。 Children of Gaia: Peace has its place. It gives us the opportunity to further prepare for war. Children of Gaia: 和平自有它的地位。它给我们更多的时间准备战争。 Fianna: Don't forget that they know the Litany almost as well as we do. Almost. Fianna: 不要忘记他们对律法的了解几乎与我们接近。几乎。 Get of Fenris: As the saying goes, "Speak of war and they'll scream for more." A few well-chosen words, and they'll fight and usually kill — anything that gets in your way. Get of Fenris: 就像谚语说的,“谈论战争而他们渴求更多”。一些恰当的词语,而他们会打击甚至常常杀死——任何挡在路上的家伙。 Glass Walkers: The more others treat them with fear and disdain, the more they need to ally with us. Fine by me. As long as they're considered urrah, they can't really refuse our aid. Glass Walkers: 别人越多的害怕并且蔑视他们,他们就越需要与我们结盟。对我们不错。只要they're considered urrah(urrah什么意思?),他们就不可能真正的拒绝我们的帮助。 Red Talons: Make your arguments with them quick and dirty. They aren't exactly masters of logic, are they? Red Talons: 与他们的争辩要快速而肮脏。他们不能严密地掌握逻辑,不是吗? Silent Striders: Be wary. They have some most unusual allies, some of which are hard to identify. If they can't scout out the truth themselves, they know others who can. Silent Striders: 机警些。他们是最不寻常的盟友,难以辨认。如果他们不能了解他们自己的真相,他们知道谁能。 Silver Fangs: Their time has passed, but don't underestimate them. They're almost as full of surprises as we are. In the end, don't be surprised when we end up pissing on their graves.... Silver Fangs: 他们的时代过去了,但是别低估他们。他们几乎像我们一样充满让人惊奇的能力。最后,当以我们向他们的坟墓里撒尿而告终的时候,别惊讶。 Uktena: They've got a lot of skeletons in their closet, so the darkest of them are vulnerable to blackmail. Watch and learn. Their reputation hardly precludes them from acting in our conspiracies. Uktena: 他们的储藏室里放着很多骷髅,所以他们最黑暗的部分容易被勒索。观察并学习,他们的名声几乎把他们排除在我们的阴谋之外。 Wendigo: Within their cold hearts, they can bear grudges for a long, long time. Wendigo: 靠着他们冰冷的心,他们能忍受怨恨很久很久。 Stargazers: Do you need any more reason than the Stargazers' desertion not to trust those of other tribes too closely? Stargazers: 你需要比the Stargazers的逃兵不能相信太接近的其他部族同行的原因更多的原因吗?
部落:Silent Striders
译者: 努塔瑞
Mysterious wanderers, tireless scouts, heralds — these are the Silent Striders. 神秘的流浪者,不知疲倦的守望者,使者——他们就是寂静漫游者。 Their roots lie in Africa and the Middle East, but they can be found nearly anywhere, traveling and listening. 他们起源于非洲和中东,但他们穿巡在世界各地,探听一切。 For these wayfarers, home is the open road, and a caern or Kinfolk's house is a mere rest stop. 对这些旅行者来说,道路就是他们的家,圣地或者亲属的房子不过是个歇脚处而已。 Their feet are lightest when on a path, whether of blown sand, concrete or spirit-stuff. 无论是在流沙,混凝土还是精神世界中,他们的脚步都很轻巧。 They explore where no werewolf— or no one— has been before. 他们探索没有狼人——甚至没有任何家伙到达过的地方。 They poke their snouts in where they don't belong, and they move on if they don't find a Wyrm pit or something equally interesting. 他们在不属于他们的地方四处乱嗅,试图找到一些妖蛆巢穴的或者更有趣的地方。 They visit caerns of many different tribes, and they have been known to consort with mages, spirits and the fae as well. 他们拜访了许多部族的圣地,他们被认为与魔法,灵魂和妖精有关。 Others have seen the Wyrm on the move in one aspect or another, even if they call it by a different name. 另外一些看到过活动的妖蛆的一两种表象,即使他们用别的不同名字称呼它。 Striders have even trod the paths of the dead in search of hidden knowledge from the restless spirits of those who have gone before. 漫游者追随死者的足迹从不歇的灵魂那里探求不为人知的知识。 The scent of the Dark Umbra clings to them, adding to the eerie mystery that shrouds them. 暗影界影响紧随着他们,带给他们怪诞的神秘气息。 Although no real rivalries exist between the Striders and other tribes, many werewolves don't trust Owl's followers. 虽然漫游者和其它的氏族之间没有明显的竞争关系,但很多狼人都不相信这些猫头鹰的追随者。 Perhaps it's because Striders typically travel alone or in pairs. 也许是他们总是独行或是二人结伴而行的缘故。 A lone wolf is always cause for suspicion, especially one that chooses that path. 独狼总是引起猜疑,尤其是选择此路者。 Perhaps it's because they show up unheralded, with grim news on their lips and dark omens in their eyes. 也许是因为他们总是向人们揭露无法预料的残酷事实和黑暗预兆。 Or perhaps it's the way one walks away from a conversation with a Strider with the feeling of having revealed much more than one gleaned from the enigmatic watcher. 也许是因为一个与漫游者同行的人往往那个可以从一场谈话中更多的揭示自己,比从一个算命先生那里得到的还多。 Certainly, all these reasons are valid. 当然,这些都是有根据的。 The Striders are a tribe of many contradictions. 漫游者是一个充满矛盾的部族。 They crave the comforts of a home or territory, but they cannot bring themselves to claim any as rightfully their own. 他们渴求家庭和土地的温暖,但他们难以下决心去要求一块合法的势力范围。 Like other Garou, they long for the companionship of packs, but they often find themselves driven to keep to themselves — and on the road. 就像其他的狼人,他们渴求团队的友谊,但是他们经常发现他们被自己驱使去保持自我,上路了。 A sept may have no notion that a Strider is in the vicinity unless she has something to tell them, and usually that takes the form of an urgent warning; 一个氏族不会发现他们就在附近,直到被告知了什么,而且一般这种告知道形式是紧急警报; the Striders have a deserved reputation as harbingers of ill omen. 漫游者享有厄运的预报者的称谓。 But it's quite true that Striders are experts at gathering information from casual conversation. 但事实上他们确实是从偶然交谈中收集情报的大师。 Although most are quite skillful storytellers, they much prefer to listen than talk. 虽然绝大多数善于讲故事,但他们更倾向于倾听。 They have a variety of ways to manipulate a speaker into going on at length until the Strider has milked him for all he knows. 他们有很多种方法挤出说话者知道的所有事情。 Apart from Banes and Black Spirals, they reserve their sharpest hate for vampires. 除了邪魔和Black Spirals,他们还对吸血鬼保有最强烈的憎恨。 No Garou trucks with the undead if he's wise, but the Striders are the Leeches' bitter foes, although few outside the tribe know why. 虽然没有一个明智的狼人会与不死一族做买卖,但是漫游者们是吸血水蛭们不共戴天的仇敌,没有外人知道为什么。 Tribal legend holds that long ago, the tribe fought against an army of vampires led by the dark god-monster known as Sutekh. 部族的传说讲到,他们与由一个名叫Sutekh的黑暗妖神率领的吸血鬼大军大战。 At the final battle, Sutekh wove a mighty curse that drove them from their homeland of Egypt and scattered them to the four winds. 在最后一场战斗中,Sutekh编织了一个强大的咒语把他们逐出埃及、驱至妻离子散。 To this day, the land of the Nile is the one land where they can find no rest. 至今,尼罗河流域还是让他们不能平静。 But worse still, the curse severed all contact with the ancestor-spirits of the tribe. 但是更糟的是诅咒切断了所有他们与部族祖先灵魂的联系。 No Striders have been able to find their forbears, even though many have searched both spirit world and Underworld for some sign. 没有一个漫游者能够找到他的祖先,即使他们中很多人为了找寻一些迹象而寻觅了精神世界和阴间。 Many Striders take an Egyptian name in honor of their lost heritage. 很多漫游者为了向他们失落的遗产致敬而取了埃及名字。 As might be expected from nomads, Striders hold fewer caerns than any other tribe, and those they claim generally have a high turnover in membership. 大概是因为来自游牧民族,漫游者拥有的圣地远远比其他部族少,而且他们通常声称成员经常更新。 Sept members that stay for more than a season or two are usually old enough for the call of duty to drown out the call of the road. 呆在一个地方超过一两个季度的氏族成员往往很老了,老到觉得职责的征召压过了道路的呼唤。 Still, as with the Wheel of Ptah sept in Casablanca, they are often located at crossroads, so tales of the road can soften loss of the road itself. 尽管如此,象卡撒布兰卡的卜塔之轮氏族,总能在十字路口找到他们,道路的传说因此能随着道路的损毁而慢慢变得柔和。 Striders form many friendships, but fortunate is the friend who meets the Strider more than twice. 漫游者结交了很多朋友,但是幸运的是那些能再次遇到漫游者的朋友。 When they do join packs of mixed tribes, they show their packmates loyalty unto death — the Striders are so few that they greatly value those truly close to them. 当加入由几个部族的人混合组成的组织时,他们显出能持续到死的忠诚——他们的部族很小所以他们相当珍惜那些真心接近他们的人们。 They are likewise known for brief but intense relationships with their Kin, for you don't have time for protracted preliminaries when tomorrow will see you far away. 他们同样因为与亲属短暂但是热烈的关系而出名,以至于你还没有时间拖延或者准备他们已经走了。 One of the worst things anyone, Garou or Kin, can do to a Strider is bind him to a place against his will through duty or force. 对不管是狼人还是亲属来说,最对不起漫游者的事情是用责任或是暴力把他束缚在他不愿意的地方。 Sooner than later, their hearts pine for the open road once more, as many lovers have learned. 很快,他们会再一次渴望上路,就像很多孤独的情人已经知道的。 A Strider whose wings have been clipped is utterly miserable, and campfire tales say that a few actually wasted away and died from being denied their freedom. 一个折翼的漫游者会彻底陷入痛苦,而有些篝火边的故事中有些漫游者因为被剥夺自由而日渐衰弱最终死亡。 It's a lonely life, and it brings a lonely death all too often. 这是孤独的生活,最后时常是孤独的死亡。 Striders rarely fall amid friends; they are simply never seen again. 漫游者几乎从不陷入朋友中间;他们只是再也不会与你相见。 It is the custom that aged or infirm Striders make a final journey into the Umbra, never to return. 年老或者衰弱的漫游者会根据传统最后一次出发去影界,一去不归。 Some hope that they will find their loved ones there at last. 他们中有些人期望最终能在那里找到他们的爱人。 Appearance: 外观: The first Silent Striders hailed from North Africa and the Middle East, and much of the tribe wears that cast upon their faces. 第一代漫游者在北非中东一带从天而降,部族中的很多人还着那样的穿戴。 However, they have bred with humans of every stock. 不管怎么说,他们一直靠人类养活。 Whatever their ethnic background, they are almost universally lean and fit from constant travel. 不管他们人种背景如何,他们总是瘦长的,在永恒的旅途中自得其乐。 In wolf form, they are long and lean like the jackal-dogs of Egyptian art, often with sleek black coats and yellow eyes. 在狼形态时,他们像埃及壁画里的豺狗一样瘦长,披着黑色光滑的皮毛瞪着黄眼睛。 Kinfolk: 亲属: Scattered across the world, Strider Kinfolk are typically travelers themselves — Bedouin nomads, circus troupes, Gypsies, truckers or just plain drifters. 散布于世界各地,漫游者的亲属也总是到处漫游——贝都因人,马戏团,吉普赛人,卡车司机或者仅仅是痛苦的流浪者。 Territory: 领土: Everywhere. 无处不是。 Nowhere. 无处是。 As perpetual wanderers, it is the rare Strider who sees two moons from the same patch of ground. 作为永恒的流浪者,漫游者很少能在同一个地方看到两次月圆。 Tribal Totem: Owl 部族图腾: 猫头鹰 Initial Willpower: 3 初始感知: 3 Background Restrictions: 背景资源: Silent Striders may not have the Ancestors or Resources Backgrounds. 寂静漫游者可能没有祖先或者资源背景。 Beginning Gifts: 初始奇能: Sense Wyrm, Silence, Speed of Thought (等待CAS…… Quote: 引用: Awake! On your feet! The Wyrm's Breath follows hard at my heels. 醒来!走!妖蛆的气息紧跟着你的脚后跟。
stereotypes 固定形象 Lerli Moonless-Sky , Silent Strider Galliard , shares some tales : 晦月夜Lerli,寂静漫游者欢舞者,分享自己的故事: Black Furies: Worthy of respect, but let them open their own doors. Black Furies: 值得尊敬,但是由他们开着自己的门好了。 Bone Gnawers: Homebodies, but they're alright. Especially when you have a head cold — don't smell as much. Bone Gnawers: 居家者,但是也不错。尤其是你伤风的时候——千万别闻。 Children of Gaia: A Child of Gaia caern is a fine place to fill your belly and wash the dust off. The exhortations to join their personal cause get to you after a couple of days, though. Children of Gaia: 盖亚之子的圣地是个填饱肚子和洗去尘埃的好地方。虽然劝说你加入他们信仰的说教会烦你好几天。 Fianna: Only they have an appreciation of tales to match ours. Better still, they'd rather talk than listen. To my mind, there's no finer caern to pass a night. " Fianna: 只有他们能与我们一样给传说正确的评价。更好的是,相比听来说他们更喜欢说。在我看来,要过一夜的话没有比他们的圣地更好的地方了。 Get of Fenris: They'd be easy to dismiss if we didn't know that when they say they're ready to die to the last to save Gaia, they mean it. There's more to the Get than meets the eye. Get of Fenris: 如果我们不知道当他们说他们已经准备好为救盖亚的最后一搏而献身的时候他们想的是什么,他们容易四散。相比他们的外形他们更像孩子。 Glass Walkers: Garou are creatures of balance; the Walkers have strayed too close to the human side. They have adapted to the world, but have lost part of themselves... Glass Walkers: 狼人是平衡的造物;the Walkers太偏向于人类的一面了。他们适应社会,但是失去了自己的一部分。 Red Talons: ...as have the Talons. To embrace the wolf at the expense of the human only makes them more bestial than our wolf Kin. Red Talons: 作为魔爪的拥有者。以舍弃人类的代价来拥抱狼只是让他们比我们的狼亲戚更残忍。 Shadow Lords: If they took the energy spent trying to dethrone the Silver Fangs and used it to bring down the Wyrm, I think we'd be a lot better off. Shadow Lords: 如果他们把用来废黜the Silver Fangs的力气拿来与妖蛆作战,那么我们会过的更好。 Silver Fangs: They need to leave their throne rooms and take a lap or two. The fresh air will clean out those cobwebs in their heads. Silver Fangs: 他们需要离开他们的皇宫到外面跑个一两圈。新鲜空气能扫去他们满脑袋的蜘蛛网。 Uktena: They are living proof that there really is such a thing as knowing too much. Uktena: 他们活着证明了他们确实知道的太多了。 Wendigo: Proud and noble in a way no other tribe can understand. I respect them, but I only hope they'll deign to join in when the time comes. Wendigo: 自豪和高贵到别的部族无法理解。我尊敬他们,但是我只是希望他们能在期限到来时屈尊加入我们。 Stargazers: With such a wide world, why look inward all the time? Ah, well, they follow their path, and I follow mine. Stargazers: 在这样一个狂野的世界,为什么用所有的时间内省。啊,是的,他们有他们的路,我有自己的。
部落:Silver Fangs
译者: 努塔瑞
The Silver Fangs are the proudest, most noble of the tribes. 银牙是最自傲最崇高的部族。 Tracing their lineage back to the Progenitor Wolf, they represent the best of the breed, embodying everything it means to be Garou: strength, nobility, perseverance, loyalty and magnificence. 追溯他们血统的起源,他们代表了种群中的最优种,包括了所有狼人的优点:强壮、高尚、坚定、忠诚、堂皇。 Through their heroic examples and awe-inspiring leadership, they unite the tribes against their enemies. 他们通过英祖先烈历史的熏陶和使人畏惧的领导来团结族人对抗敌人。 That's one side of the story. 这是事情的一面。 A less flattering view is of the inbred rulers whose chief right of rulership is the memory of their great grandfathers' deeds as king. 一个不怎么讨人喜欢的看法是关于根据血统继承领导权力的统治者的。 They are mired in strict adherence to traditions only they remember, whose original purpose may be lost to time. 他们深陷在一味的只趋附于他们自己记得的传统,而那些传统原本的目的却已经随时间的流逝而不复存在。 In the Fang's court, action has given way to procedural points. 在银牙的宫廷中,实干让位给了程序步骤。 They are doddering, even senile kings whose authority among the tribes extends only as far as the doors of the royal court. 他们步履蹒跚,连部族中权威的老国王也没有出过王宫的门。 Which view is true? 哪个看法是对的? Perhaps some of both. 或许各有一些。 To be sure, the Silver Fangs lived up to their legends in the old days. 可以确定的是银牙仍然实践着他们古老的传说。 In battle the Fangs were matchless, inspiring their followers by leading charges; in peace, they were just and fair, mediating disputes to keep the tribes from warring against each other... too frequently. 在战斗的时候,银牙从无敌手,他们能用充满领导艺术的命令鼓舞追随者;在和平的时候,他们公正公平,调停纠纷以免部族内部太频繁的争斗。 They took as their own the best Kinfolk from nobility of many countries throughout Europe and Asia. 他们将他们的最高贵的亲戚归属他们所有的行为遍布欧亚大陆。 Things changed as centuries passed. 世纪流转万事变革。 Their power waned, in the human realm as well as the Garou. 无论在狼人的领域还是人类的,他们的力量衰落了。 In recent years many Garou have noticed the Fangs becoming increasingly neurotic, manifesting minor quirks such as absentmindedness or an overdeveloped sense of vengeance. 最近几年,有些狼人发现银牙们变得越来越神经质,呈现出比如精神恍惚或者疵翳必报的怪相。 Their tendency to fall into Harano is explained readily as the price of the heavy burden of leadership in these trying times. 他们陷入无一名状的阴郁很明显是在如此艰难时代承担领导重担的代价。 As to the rest, well, the rich and powerful have always been eccentric, have they not? 另外,嗯,富有而有权力的家伙总有点怪,难道不是吗? Some whisper, however, that centuries of breeding with exclusive bloodlines is beginning to take its toll. 有些流言这么说,无论如何,数世纪为了保持血统的族内通婚开始带来破坏了。 But Falcon's tribe insists that that exclusivity makes their blood run so pure in their veins. 但是猎鹰的部族坚持族内通婚让他们血管里的血纯粹。 The Silver Fangs borrowed many traditions from their noble Kinfolk. 银牙从他们的贵族亲属那里借鉴了很多的传统。 Territory is divided up into "protectorates" ruled by a king (by tradition, always Ahroun) who presides over a court. 由主持朝会的国王(根据传统,总是Ahroun)把领土分割成很多保护领地。 The court is divided into the Lodge of the Sun and the Lodge of the Moon. 朝会分割成日会和月会。 The former deals with temporal matters such as business and commerce, while the latter presides over spiritual affairs as well as concerns of the lupus population. 前者处理比如生意、商业之类的世俗事务,而后者主持比如狼人人口的利害关系之类的精神事务。 Courts and lesser moots are lengthy affairs, at which all interested parties haggle over points of contention. 所有的党派为了自己的利益而争执不休的朝会和其他较小的会议总是冗长的。 Formal moots take all night (reciting the King's introduction alone may take half an hour). 正式的会议总是要开整夜的时间(光是叙述国王的前言就往往要半个小时)。 If there is important business, the debates can last for days. 如果是重要的事件,争论往往要持续数天。 Many Garou still look to the Fangs for leadership, showing the respect due by right of millennia of rule. 很多狼人依然把银牙当成领袖,依照他们数千年来沿袭的权力对他们表示尊敬。 Others see them as figureheads, little more than mascots. 另外的狼人把他们当成象征性的首脑,就和吉祥物没什么差别。 Not a few consider them worse than useless, for a bad decision costs precious lives in the Garou's most desperate hour. 不少人认为他们比一无所用更糟糕,因为在狼人十分艰难的岁月里错误的信念浪费了宝贵的生命。 Lately, the murmurs of discontent have grown louder as voices are added. 最近,不满的低语开始蔓延变响。 The Shadow Lords have wasted no time in fanning the unrest, but there has been no open rebellion thus far. 阴影议员争分夺秒的散布不安情绪,但是迄今为止还没有公开的叛乱。 There is still loyalty enough to keep the Fangs in power, but Falcon's tribe had better show initiative soon. 现在还有足够多的忠诚能让银牙坐在王座上,但是猎鹰的部族最好快点主动出击。 One movement within the tribe; the Renewalist faction, has been particularly aggressive in its calls to rebuild before the tribe collapses. 部族内部的一个运动;复兴派,就像它的名字一样热切地想在崩溃之前重建部族。 One of the Fangs' greatest strengths is personal charisma. 银牙们的一个巨大能力是超凡的个人魅力。 A leader who meets often with other Garou can bind disparate factions together through sheer force of personality. 一个经常与其他狼人接触的领袖能纯粹通过个人魄力使原本目标迥异的派系团结起来。 Unfortunately, many choose to sit in their courts and make everyone come to them. 不幸的是,很多银牙选择坐在他们的王宫里等着别人来。 Thus isolated, their effectiveness wanes. 因为离群索居,他们能力的效果衰退了。 In these dark days, many Garou look to their own tribes for strength rather than shackling themselves to the mad ones who would drag them down into the Abyss. 在这些黑暗的日子里,很多狼人更愿意指望从他们自己的部族获得力量而不是把自己交给那些会把他们拽到深渊里去的疯子。 As Gaia's warriors are on the verge of being overwhelmed by the onslaught of Wyrm and Weaver, those who still believe in the divine right of the Silver Fangs see this time as their last chance to reward that trust. 当在妖蛆和秩者的冲击下大地母亲的斗士已经在覆灭边缘时,那些相信天赐王权的银牙们觉得是时候抓住最后的机会报答盖亚的信任了。 Appearance: 外观: Silver Fangs come primarily from aristocrats of European and Middle Eastern descent, although one noble house has established itself neatly in Asia and India. 银牙的血缘来自于欧洲和中东的贵族,即使贵族家族是巧妙的安居于亚洲或者印度的。 In human form, they have refined features, often with familial peculiarities such as a distinctive nose or ears. 在人形态时,他们有精致的五官,还常常带有些例如特别的鼻子或者耳朵之类的家族特征。 Their wolf forms are always graceful, with fur of silver or white, long jaws and full tail brushes. 他们的狼形态总是很优美的,有着一身银色或者白色的皮毛、长长的吻和丰满的尾。 In any form, they usually wear some form of jewelry. 无论是什么形态,他们总会佩带一些珠宝。 Kinfolk: 亲属: The Fangs keep very detailed track of their Kin, with "pedigrees" that fill whole libraries. 银牙们有一整个图书馆的“家谱”,里面保存了他们亲属非常详细的资料。 Their human Kin are of impeccable breeding from the nobility of the countries of Europe; Russia in particular used to be the Fangs' homeland. 他们的人类亲戚被欧洲贵族供养着;尤其俄罗斯过去是银牙的故乡。 Money is not a prime consideration. 金钱不是首先要考虑的事。 A penniless branch of the Romanovs would be more valuable than a newly rich industrialist family descended from chicken thieves. the Romanovs家族的赤贫支脉要比传自偷鸡贼的暴发户家族有价值得多。 Likewise, the tribe keeps close contact with their rare lupine Kin living on great estates, primarily in Russia and western Canada. 同样的,部族一直与他们在俄罗斯和西加拿大依靠庞大财产生活的杰出的狼亲戚保持着密切联系。 Territory: 领土: Silver Fang septs are scattered across the Garou Nation. 银牙氏族散布于整个狼人世界。 They typically hold some of the choicest lands, to the displeasure of the tribes from which they commandeered those lands. 他们控制着一些最好的土地,这让那些土地被抢占的部族十分不悦。 They live in lands with splendid vistas — great mountain chains, seaside cliffs or forested valleys — places as majestic as the Silver Fangs are (to) themselves. 他们住的地方有着庄严的景色——宏伟的山脉、海边悬崖或者密林谷地——就像银牙自己那样的庄严。 Tribal Totem: Falcon 部族图腾:猎鹰 Initial Willpower: 3 初始感知:3 Background Restrictions: 背景限制: Silver Fang characters must spend at least three Background points on Pure Breed. 银牙角色必须在纯净血统上支付三个背景点数。 Beginning Gifts: 初始礼物: Falcon's Grasp, Lambent Flame, Sense Wyrm
Quote: 引用: Under Falcon's banner I stand before you. 在猎鹰的旗帜下,我站在你面前。 Join your banner to mine, and all the Spirals in the world can't stop us from reclaiming the lost caern! 加入我的队伍,那么再也没有the Spirals能阻挡我们收复失落的圣地! Are you with me? 你来吗? Then follow me, for Gaia! 那么为了盖亚母亲,跟随我!
stereotypes 固定形象 Malcolm Summersbright, Silver Fang Philodox, speaks with all due candor:
马尔科姆. 炎夏,银牙判决者,坦率的谈论应得之物:
Black Furies: How can so honorable and trustworthy a tribe be so confused? Black Furies: 是什么能让一个那么光荣那么可信赖的部族那么困惑? Bone Gnawers: Pathetic creatures, they squabble in the street and then expect to be welcomed into our mansions! They are Garou... technically, but they are like a branch of the family that one would just as soon forget about. Bone Gnawers: 可怜的造物,他们在大街上争吵然后期望能在我们的官邸中受欢迎!他们是狼人……理论上说是的,但是他们是希望可以忘掉的支脉。 Children of Gaia: Joyous lovers of peace, they lend us a sympathetic ear. Would that they were as quick to take our burdens from us as they are to heap more on. Still, they help keep the others in our cause. Children of Gaia: 和平的热爱者,他们借给了我们一只富有同情心的耳朵。他们同样快的减轻和增重我们的担子。尽管如此,他们还是帮助我们使其他部族一起为我们的事业努力。 Fianna: For their songs that soothe and hearten and remind us of old times, we are grateful. For their satires of our leadership, we are wary. For their drinking and shouting, we are long-suffering. Fianna: 他们唱歌抚慰我们、振奋我们、提醒我们古老的历史,我们感激。他们嘲讽领导阶层,我们警惕。他们狂饮喧闹,我们受罪。 Get of Fenris: Complain all you wish about the Get's hunger for war, but you cannot call them honorless without proving yourself a liar. Get of Fenris: 尽管悲叹你们的幼兽没有对战争的饥渴吧,但是你们不可能谎言的基础上让他们有荣誉感。 Glass Walkers: Cities have made them soft. Urban life has made them strange. Glass Walkers: 城市使他们软弱了。城市生活使他们变得陌生。 Red Talons: They have embraced the Beast too closely, and they suffer for it. They never come to court and seldom do as we ask, but where I would see insubordination in other tribes I merely assume the Talons forgot what day the meeting was. Red Talons: 他们太亲近野兽了,那么他们会为此受创。他们从来不来王宫,即使我们邀请他们也很少来。 Shadow Lords: They have "that lean and hungry look." We will put them in their place as needed, in March or any other month. Shadow Lords: 他们看起来“瘦而贪婪”。在三月或者其他的月份,我们要把他们放到需要他们的地方 Silent Striders: Mysterious travelers whom I prefer to see going rather than coming, for they seldom bring good news. Silent Striders: 神秘的旅者,我愿意看到他们离去而不是到来,因为他们很少带来好消息。 Uktena: Secret-keepers of the first rank, who list their true feelings for us among their secrets. Uktena: 会把他们属于秘密的真正感受列成表递交我们的第一流守密者。 Wendigo: Wise and powerful, aloof and disdainful. I'm not sure if they are truly allies, but we both profit should they add their strength to our own. Wendigo: 明智而有力,孤僻而倨傲。我不是很确定他们是不是真正的盟友,但是当我们联合时会同时受益。 Stargazers: They were wise councilors, if a bit too ethereal. A pity that they chose such an insubordinate path for themselves. Stargazers: 他们是明智的议员,即使他们的想法有一点空洞。他们为自己选择了这么一条谋逆犯上的路真让人遗憾。
The Uktena tribe is composed of animistic (some would say primitive) peoples from throughout the world. The Uktena部族是由世界上的泛灵信徒(有些人会说就是原始人)组成的。 They are the "world beat" of the Garou Nation, yet as the most multicultural tribe, they've also inherited many of the legacies of the dispossessed. 他们是狼人世界的"world beat",虽然是最杂和的部族,他们继承了不少被放逐者的财产。 Throughout their history, other cultures have slowly encroached on and devoured their tribal lands. 在他们整个历史当中其他文化一直在缓慢地侵占和吞噬他们的领土。 Their Kinfolk have been forced out of their homelands repeatedly, sometimes dragged away in chains. 他们的亲属三番五次的被逐离故乡,有几次甚至是被枷锁捆着带走的。 Generations of suffering have nurtured hatred and a thirst for vengeance in their dark hearts. 世世代代的苦难将仇恨和复仇的强烈渴望灌入了他们晦暗的心灵。 Therefore, it is often rumored that many of them are driven to the Wyrm as a result. 因此,经常有他们是被妖蛆驱策的传言。 While they have accumulated? 他们为什么要聚集起来? mysticism and magic from throughout the world, many are drawn to dark arts, occult studies and forbidden lore. 世界上的秘密和魔法很多都被制成黑暗的艺术品、神秘的知识和封印的学问。 At one time, however, the tribe was one of the three largest in the world, roaming across vast stretches of primal wilderness. 不管怎么说,很久以前这个拥有幅员辽阔的原初荒野的部族是世界上最大的三个部族之一。 Long before their descent into darkness, the Uktena, Wendigo and Croatan tribes made up one people. 远在他们堕落到黑暗之中之前,the Uktena, Wendigo and Croatan部族拼组成了一个民族。 Modern Galliards refer to these ancestors as the "Pure Ones." 现代的Galliards习惯叫这些祖先“Pure Ones”。 When early Garou first led migrations of primitive humans across the Bering Strait, the Uktena settled in the south, wandering through what it is now the Southern United States and Central America. 当早期狼人第一次率领原始人类移民穿越白令海峡时,the Uktena正住在南方,徘徊在现在的美国南部和中美洲地区。 Among the Pure Ones, Wendigo is still known as "Younger Brother" and Uktena as "Older Brother." 在the Pure Ones中,Wendigo始终被认为是“弟弟”而Uktena是“哥哥”。 In their travels, packs of Uktena communed with creatures and spirits unknown to other werewolves, trading mystical knowledge and stories. 在他们的旅行中,Uktena的几个组织偷偷地与一些人类和灵魂接触,交易神秘的知识和故事。 Wereravens watched over them; Coyote's children led them on, mocking and laughing; Pumonca and Qualmi werecats taught them secret wonders. 鸦人监护着他们;山狗之子引领他们,和他们开玩笑并纵声大笑;Pumonca猫人和Qualmi猫人教他们怎么行使神秘的奇迹。 It is regrettable that the War of Rage cut them off from these former allies, yet the knowledge they learned still survives, if only in a bastardized and diminished form. 疯狂之战中止了他们和从前盟友的盟约实在令人可惜,然而,他们的知识即使已经被削弱也不再纯粹,但仍然幸存了下来。 The tribe has handed down its mystical secrets carefully for generations. 部族一代又一代的把神秘的奥妙传下来了。 The Uktena have become wise in ways that other werewolves can never understand... and perhaps never should. The Uktena用别的狼人不知道也许是不可能知道的方法变得睿智。 Natural wonders have since been conquered by unnatural horrors. 自然创造的非凡从此被非自然扭曲的恐怖征服。 Across the centuries, the Uktena have found powerful Banes sleeping in the Earth, and they have conducted epic rites to bind them. 数世纪的旅程中,the Uktena发现了沉睡中的邪魔,他们举行大规模的仪式来约束这些邪魔。 For generations, tribal "Bane Tenders" watched over unholy grounds, often gaining a thorough understanding of evil as a result. 一代又一代,部族的“邪魔看守者”监视着这些不洁净的土地,常常能由此获得对邪恶的深刻认识。 The tribe became unusually knowledgeable about the Wyrm — suspiciously so, some say. 部族对妖蛆有了不寻常的渊博知识——这值得怀疑,有些人这么说。 They have also been renowned for their talent at scouting out Wyrm taint where no one else could find it. 他们也因为能发现别人都发现不了的妖蛆污点的能力而出名。 Many of the greatest Uktena heroes gained honor and glory by finding blights and horrors in the spirit world, usually by using ancient knowledge hoarded by the tribe. 靠着部族保留下来的远古知识,很多著名的the Uktena英雄发现了精神世界的枯萎区和恐怖区,获得了敬意和光荣。 Despite their wisdom and vigilance, the Uktena couldn't predict that Europeans would settle in the New World. 不管有怎样的智慧和警惕,the Uktena还是没有预料到欧洲人会进入新大陆。 Bitter tribal storytellers still describe the arrivals as "Wyrmcomers", for disease and suffering followed in their wake. 满心仇恨的说书人仍然称这些登陆者为“妖蛆之使”,他们走过之处瘟疫和灾祸接踵而来。 When white settlers also brought African and Asian slaves with them, merciful werewolves took pity on these slaves and treated them as brothers; As the tribe's Kinfolk were enslaved, punished or wiped out, many Garou found solace in the spirit world, seeking answers beyond the veil of reality. 当时的白人殖民者还带来了非洲和亚洲的奴隶,仁慈的狼人们可怜这些奴隶,把他们当成兄弟;当部族的亲属被奴役、被鞭笞、被强迫劳动直至精疲力尽时,很多狼人到精神世界寻觅安慰,寻觅重重迷雾后真正的答案。 Some turned to visionaries and prophets for aid, incorporating their dreams and nightmares into Uktena lore. 有一些狼人向卜梦者和先知寻求帮助,用部族的知识将他们的美梦和噩梦一并加以解释。 As their power in the physical world waned, their mastery of the spirit world increased. 随着他们在世俗世界的力量日渐衰落,他们对精神世界的掌控日益强盛。 After centuries of supernatural exploration, the tribe's mystics have gained a legendary knowledge of spirits and a staunch respect for prophecy. 经过几个世纪对超自然的探索,部族的神秘家增进了关于传奇的知识,坚定了对于预言的信任。 Uktena cliath are encouraged to share in some of these teachings, more so than in most other tribes. Uktena cliath被鼓励分享这些,尤其是对大部分其他部族。 From the moment a cub completes her Rite of Passage, elders praise her driving need to understand spiritual mysteries and encourage her boundless curiosity. 幼兽一完成他的成年礼,长辈们就开始赞扬他掌握精神世界的奥秘的需要,激发他无穷的好奇心。 While Uktena Theurges are often the most adept at investigating the occult and resolving enigmas, such talents are common within the tribe. 虽然Uktena的施妖术者最擅长调查隐秘的渗透进来的敌人,但是这样的能力在部族中很寻常。 But the tribe's pursuits can be risky. 然而部族的事务有的时候很危险。 Uktena are often tempted by forbidden knowledge during the course of their travels. 在旅程中,Uktena经常会被被封印的知识诱惑。 Since their ancestors have lived among primitive peoples from all over the world, they have also gathered occult secrets from every place their forebears have lived. 因为他们的祖先居住于来自世界各地的原始人类中,所以在他们这里聚集了所有他们祖先聚居地的秘密。 The modern world has forgotten the secrets of the ancient world, but lost magical arts are still passed from generation to generation. 现代世界遗忘了这些远古世界的秘密,但是失落的魔法技术仍然一代又一代的流传下来。 The Uktena's mystics and occultists are among the most powerful in the Garou Nation. The Uktena的神秘家和术士是狼人一族中最有力量的人之一。 Many claim rightful ownership of powerful fetishes, insisting that no other tribe could guard them properly. 他们提出对强力偶像的所有权要求,坚持除了他们没有别的部族能妥善的保护这些偶像。 As a result, even their Wendigo brothers fear them... or at least demand to know what they are hiding. 结果,甚至连他们的Wendigo兄弟都害怕他们……或者至少是要求了解他们隐藏了什么。 As long as the secrets of the past are kept alive, the Uktena will continue to confront the Wyrm as they have for thousands of years. 只要过去的秘密还存在着,the Uktena就要继续像过去的数千年那样与妖蛆斗争。 Appearance: 外观: In Lupus form, most Uktena have reddishblack fur; many skulk as though they are stalking unseen spirits. 当狼形态的时候,大多数Uktena毛色红黑;许多人喜欢隐匿行踪,就像他们围猎没见过的幽灵那样 In Homid form, they project an aura of mystery and menace, with a disconcerting habit of staring intently at everything around them. 当人形态的时候,他们被神秘和恐怖的气氛包围,令人不安的注视着四周。 Many adapt the clothing and appearance of their ancestors. 很多人把他们先祖的服饰和外形改得能适应时代。 Some "adopted" tribalists are very eclectic, gathering fragments of the cultures that interest them most. 一些被“寄养”的部族成员十分的中庸,他们最感兴趣的是各种文化糅合在一起。 While many pure-bred Uktena are Native American, the tribe includes indigenous peoples from throughout the world. 虽然纯种的Uktena是美洲土著,但是部族也同样吸收来自各个地方的居民。 Maori warriors and Cherokee mystics work side-by-side with African shamans. 毛利武士和切诺基神秘家与非洲萨满并肩工作。 When in meditation, an Uktena acts as cryptically as any Umbral spirit, but when angered, she radiates a cold ferocity as fiercely as the balefires of Hell. 当陷入冥想的时候,Uktena像影界的幽灵那样隐秘,但是当愤怒的时候,她释放的凶残气息就像地狱的尸火那样猛烈。 Kinfolk: 亲属: The Uktena are guardians of the dispossessed, of tribes and peoples who have lost their lands to foreign conquest. The Uktena是那些失去土地的部族或个人的保护者。 Uktena Kinfolk belong to a wide spectrum of oppressed ethnic groups. Uktena的亲属来自于许多被压迫的种族 From Native American reservations to urban hoods, from the depths of the Amazon to the islands of the South Pacific, Uktena Kinfolk build strong communities that preserve their heritage. 从存留的美洲土著到城市里的流氓,从亚马逊流域的森林深处到南太平洋的僻远小岛,Uktena的亲属结成了强大的同盟保护他们自己的传统。 Adversity forces strength. 灾祸使人坚强。 Even lupus Kinfolk gather in tightly knit packs. 即使狼亲属也被收入结构严密的组织。 Territory: 领土: In the depths of the wilderness, beneath the open sky, the Uktena practice ancient crafts. 在荒野的深处,广阔的蓝天之下,Uktena延续着他们祖先的技艺。 Only a few secret places have withstood Wyrmcomer assaults. 只有很少的秘密之处没有遭到妖蛆之使的侵入。 Uktena will do nearly anything to punish intruders who find them. Uktena会用各种方法惩罚找到他们的入侵者。 Many of the tribe's most sacred lands have been seized by other supernatural societies. 很多部族非常重要的神圣之地被其他超自然的团体夺走了。 As the End Times approach, the tribe's elders are increasingly willing to summon up mighty magic and retake those sites by force. 随着最终时刻的临近,部族的长老们逐渐开始想召唤强大的魔法用武力夺回这些地方。 Tribal Totem: 部族图腾: The Uktena take their name from their tribal totem, a Native American water spirit with the features of a serpent, deer and cougar. Uktena的名字来自他们部族的图腾,美洲土著的水精灵,混合着蛇、鹿、狮子的特征。 The Uktena totem is famous for disguising its appearance, and it grants this talent to packs who follow him. Uktena的图腾以伪装出名,它赐予追随它的组织那样的能力。 Initial Willpower: 3 初始感知:3 Background Restrictions: None. Some things cannot be stolen, even by Wyrmcomers. 背景限制:没有。有些东西不可能被夺走,即使是妖蛆之使。 Beginning Gifts: 初始奇能: Sense Magic, Shroud, Spirit Speech
Quote: 引用: You worry about fighting what you can see. 你在担心即将到来的战斗。 I sense something very powerful here that you cannot. 我感觉到这里有一些你不会注意到的强大力量。 It is an ancient evil lurking in the shadows, a spirit my people have encountered before. 一个来自远古的邪恶潜伏在阴影里,一个我的族人曾经遇到过的幽灵。 Listen very carefully to what I am chanting. 仔细听我的颂歌。 If I fall, I expect you to continue where I left off.... 如果我失败了,我希望你能从我倒下的地方起步……
stereotypes 固定形象 Sees-in'Darkness, an Uktena Theurge, offers his insight: 黑暗洞察者,Uktena通神者,洞察的一切: Black Furies: As divisive as they are, they work together in their tribal rituals. If only I knew what they were doing there... Black Furies: 像她们那样分裂的样子居然可以在部族典礼上一同工作。只要我能知道她们在干什么…… Bone Gnawers: They have a talent for walking unnoticed in the midst of mankind. While they may not seem sane, they see things even we do not notice. Their understanding of the cities' spirit worlds is impressive. Bone Gnawers: 他们能在人类中间不引人注目的走过。虽然他们看上去不太正常,他们能看到我们没有注意到的东西。他们对于城市精神的了解让人印象深刻。 Children of Gaia: The Children's skill as healers and nurturers is unsurpassed. A pity that their approach to the sacred arts is so limited. Children of Gaia: Children of Gaia作为医者和养育者的能力无可比拟。令人遗憾的是他们对于神圣技艺的了解太有限了。 Fianna: They should take life a bit more seriously. Such reckless behavior will destroy them. Fianna: 他们应该生活的更认真一些。如此不顾后果的行为会毁了他们。 Get of Fenris: They are so proud of their strengths that they do not see their weaknesses. Get of Fenris: 他门对自己的强大那么的骄傲以至于没有发现自己的弱点。 Glass Walkers: This tribe's urban magic is most curious. When they are in their element, they are truly formidable. Glass Walkers: 这个部族的城市法术是那么的古怪。当他们在自己的地盘时强大得令人敬畏。 Red Talons: A Talon's keen senses and sharper instincts are amazing. No one knows the natural world as well as they do... especially its mysteries. Red Talons: 红爪的敏锐感官和锋利本能让人惊异。没有人比他们更了解自然世界……尤其是神秘之处。 Shadow Lords: Listen very carefully to what they say. Half of it will be useful, and half of it will deceive you. If you're wise, you'll pick the right half. Shadow Lords: 仔细听他们说的。一半有用处,一半是谎言。如果你够聪明,那么你会拣出对的一半 Silent Striders: What a marvelous job they do of exploring the spirit world. They get into all sorts of places I've only dreamt of seeing. Silent Striders: 他们对精神世界的探索多么令人不可思议。他们进入了我梦中神往之境。 Silver Fangs: Play up to their need for respect. We need all the allies we can get. Silver Fangs: 投其所好的给他们尊敬。我们需要所有能得到的盟友。 Wendigo: Younger Brother, you and I are the only two I really trust. We walk different paths, yet we still follow the same sacred ways. Wendigo: 弟弟,你和我自己是我唯一可以信任的两个人。我们选择的路不同,但是我们始终遵从着神圣的大道向前。 Stargazers: We could easily have been as the Stargazers—but we have a brother to stand beside. The Stargazers had family here, too, but I do not think they knew that. Stargazers: 我们可以很容易变成Stargazers那样的人——但是我们身边一个兄弟。Stargazers也有家族,但是我不认为他们自己知道。
As proud as any Silver Fang and almost as bitter as the Red Talons, the Wendigo consider themselves the purest of the Pure Ones, and the Garou least tainted by the Wyrm, 于银牙一样的高傲和于红爪接近的严酷,the Wendigo认为自己是纯洁众中最纯洁的,是狼人中最没有被妖蛆污染的。 According to their philosophy, the European werewolves have been touched by the Wyrm, the Croatan sacrificed themselves, and the Uktena have degraded themselves with the blood of the Wyrmbringers - the European invaders. 在他们的哲学中,欧洲的狼人被妖蛆玷污过,the Croatan牺牲了他们自己,the Uktena与欧洲入侵者混血,自甘堕落。 The tribe takes its name from its totem, the great cannibal spirit of winter. 部族的名字来自他们的图腾,冬天出现的伟大饿兽之魂。 Wendigo has taught his tribe the power that lies in harnessing the ice storm, its strength and implacability. Wendigo教给他的部族冰暴中蕴涵的力量,那种力度和无情。 As quiet as falling snow, fast as the winter wind, the Wendigo are masters of their woodland domain. 静若飘雪,疾如寒风,Wendigo是林地的主人。 No prey can elude them on two legs or four. 没有猎物可以从他们手上逃脱,不管是用两条腿还是四条腿。 They engage in a covert war against the Wyrmbringer, focusing on those who seek actively to defile their lands and Kinfolk and steal away their culture. 他们暗地里与妖蛆之使对抗,专门对付那些想侵占他们的土地或者亲属的人和偷走他们的文化的人。 But don't all Garou of European stock bear some share of the blame ultimately? 然而根本上来说,难道不是所有狼人的欧洲祖先都有责任吗? Doesn't their mere presence invite the Wyrm? 难道不是他们光是出现就引来了妖蛆? Wendigo war parties can be found far from their lands, even into the heart of cities - wherever corruption can be traced. Wendigo的作战小队会到十分远离他们领土的地方,甚至到城市的中心——只要发现有污染的痕迹。 The tribe's relations with other Garou are tenuous. 部族与其他狼人的联系十分疏远。 While they are on good terms with the Silent Striders and Red Talons, and they respect the Black Furies, they have little but suspicion for the other tribes. 相比之下他们与Silent Striders和Red Talons关系良好,对Black Furies保持尊敬,对其他的部族则不是很信任。 After centuries of bitter struggle, they have come to loathe the Get of Fenris, Fianna and Shadow Lords. 经过了数世纪的痛苦挣扎,他们渐渐地厌恶Get of Fenris,Fianna和Shadow Lords。 Wendigo may ally with the Europeans to accomplish short-term goals, but they remain aloof on the whole. Wendigo有可能会和欧洲人短暂的合作以达到一些目的,但是基本上来说他们仍然与欧洲人保持距离。 Trust is a difficult thing for the tribes to earn. 他们很难获得别人的信任。 The Wendigo been given too many empty promises. Wendigo开的空头支票太多了。 The Wendigo are a deeply traditional, deeply spiritual tribe that takes great pains to make sure that no hint of corruption taints its rituals. Wendigo有一个悠久的传统,他们付出卓越的努力保证典礼没有任何被玷污的可能。 Wendigo hold their rites at sites too sacred for spectators, and any European Garou who tried to spy on their moots would never be seen again. Wendigo把举行典礼的地点看得那么神圣,想偷看典礼的欧洲狼人从来没有活着回来的。 Tribe members purify themselves ritually before hunts or battle; Wendigo seek spiritual aid to solve all manner of problems. 部族成员会在狩猎或作战之前参加典礼以净化自己;Wendigo在解决所有的问题的时候都会寻求精神上的帮助。 Many packs quest through the spirit world looking for some sign of their brother tribe, the Croatan. 很多组织会漫游精神世界去寻找他们的兄弟部族——Croatan的踪迹。 The goal of the Wendigo is to secure the lands that they now hold. Wendigo的目标是保护他们现有的土地。 What happens beyond that is a question that occupies many councils. 但是有一个问题占用了大量的精力使部族不能朝这个目标一致前行。 Some elders, particularly the Half Moons, wish to open the Wyrmbringer's eyes to the old traditions so that they may leave the cities, return to nature and live in harmony with the spirits and the earth. 一些长老,尤其是the Half Moons,希望能让妖蛆之使好好重视古代的传统,那么他们也许会离开城市,回到自然之中,与幽灵和大地和谐的生活。 Others, including many Ahroun, have set for themselves the equally impossible task of driving the invaders from the Pure Lands or to wash the Wyrm taint from the earth withthe Wyrmbringer's blood. 另一些,包括许多Ahroun,提出要进行两个同样不可能完成的任务——把入侵者从纯洁的土地上赶出去和用妖蛆之使的血把妖蛆留下的污点洗干净。 Although most Wendigo consider this last view a pipe dream, frustration has brought more and more to this way of thinking. 几乎所有的Wendigo都把后面的那个观点当成白日梦,挫败更使越来越多的人都这么认为。 An alliance with likeminded Red Talons may not be long in coming. 有差不多意图的联盟部族比如红爪不久也会这么想。 Although they are not the bookkeepers the Silver Fangs are, Wendigo are very picky about with whom they breed. 虽然他们不是银牙的族谱管理员,但是Wendigo非常重视他们的血统。 They maintain exclusively Native American bloodlines, preferably from those who hold the old beliefs, and they breed only with wolves who live free and haven't forgotten the ways of the wild trapped in a zoo. 他们保持着非常纯正的美洲土著血统,最好是来自那些保留着古老信仰的部族,而且他们只和自由的或者虽然在动物园里但是没有失去野性的狼繁衍后代。 They teach their Kin the old ways, although such teachings are easily drowned out in these days by the seductive promises of modern commercial society. 他们教亲属古老的生活方式,虽然这样的教学远没有现代商业社会的诱人承诺来的吸引人。 Now, crowded cities look toward the North with its open spaces and raw materials. 现在,拥挤的城市注意起有着开阔空间和丰富资源的北部。 Forces of the Wyrm and the Weaver are gathering for the next assault to extinguish the dwindling tribe and defile the last of the Pure Lands. 妖蛆和秩者的力量开始聚集,他们想毁灭正在衰亡的部族,污染最后一片纯洁的土地。 But for the Wendigo in their wilderness homes, the line has been drawn. 但是Wendigo在他们的荒野家园里,界线早已画好。 No more negotiations, no more treaties, no more retreats. 没什么问题好商议,没什么条约可谈判,没什么可能会退却。 Should the skidders and bulldozers come to lay the forest bare, they must first drive over the bodies of the fallen Wendigo. 想用电锯和推土机把森林变成秃地,那么必须从战死的Wendigo身上踩过去。 Appearance: 外观: Virtually all Wendigo are born from the native peoples of northern North America (although a rumored few hail from Siberia). 事实上所有的Wendigo都生自北美洲土著(据传言还有很少的一些来自西伯利亚)。 On four legs, they resemble the great timber wolves that make the tundra their home. 当他们四足的时候,象来自冻土地带的森林巨狼。 Their coats are varying shades of gray so that they fade like ghosts into the forest. 他们的外皮是深浅斑驳的灰色,所以当他们消失在林中的时候就像鬼魂离去。 Kinfolk: 亲属: All Wendigo Kin are native peoples, whether huddled on reservations or living in the wilds as their ancestors did. Wendigo所有的亲属都是土著,不管是与他们合住的还是同远祖一般生活在野外的。 The tribe is lucky to have a relatively high proportion of wolf Kin wandering free in the northern lands. 部族幸运的拥有相对很多的在北地野外徜徉的自由的狼亲属。 Territory: 领土 The stronghold of the tribe is in Canada, Alaska and the plains states of the US, but they may also be found on reservations giving strength to their people or in the Wyrmbringer cities fighting evil where it lives. 部族的据点在加拿大,阿拉斯加和美国的平原州,但是他们也常常在他们自己人需要的地方或者妖蛆之使的城市与那里的邪恶战斗。 Tribal Totem: Wendigo 部族图腾:饿兽 Initial Willpower: 4 初始感知:4 Background Restrictions: Wendigo may not buy Contacts or Resources. 背景限制:Wendigo不能购买联系和资源。 Beginning Gifts: 初始奇能: Call the Breeze, Camouflage, Resist Pain
Quote: 引用: You are looking for your friends? 你在找你的朋友吗? See, their blood is still wet on my daws. 看,我爪子上的血还没干呢。 Now, I will send you to them! 现在,我送你去见他们。
Nawautin, Wendigo Galliard, growls his misgivings: 纳瓦亭,Wendigo欢舞者,抱怨道: Black Furies: These women are brave, but they have lost the true path. Black Furies: 这些女人很勇敢,但是她们走错了路。 Bone Gnawers: A Garou that gladly lives in filth is no Garou. Still, they are better than others. Bone Gnawers: 喜欢污秽环境的狼人不算狼人。但不管怎么说,他们比其他部族好些。 Children of Gaia: Their promises were sweet, but they did not stop their cousins from drawing our blood. The Children know how to love, but they have not yet learned when to hate. Children of Gaia: 他们的承诺很诱人,但是他们没有制止他们的表兄吸我们的血。Children知道怎么去爱,但是他们不知道怎么去恨。 Fianna: Sweet-voiced Wyrmcomers that remember their own glory but forget the death they brought to our people. Now they wonder at our anger. Fianna: 花言巧语的妖蛆之使,他们只记得自己的荣耀而忘了给我们带来的死亡。现在,他们却对我们的仇恨表示惊讶。 Get of Fenris: They respect no agreement, no territory, nothing except strength in battle. There is no honor in them. The only thing they may be trusted to do is to draw their silver blades at a moment's notice. Get of Fenris: 他们不尊敬协议,不尊敬领土,什么都不尊敬除了战斗中显示出的力量。他们已经没有荣誉感了。唯一他们会做的有荣誉感的事情就是在出刀之前大声地警示你。 Glass Walkers: They have forgotten the land, and it is dead beneath their feet. They are like spiders spinning their webs inside a skull. Glass Walkers: 他们忘记了土地,土地在他们的脚下死去。他们像蜘蛛一样在骷髅里织网。 Red Talons: We know their outrage, but to forsake a part of themselves lessens them. Red Talons: 我们知道他们的暴行,但是放弃他们自己这个个性会使他们衰弱。 Shadow Lords: The Stormcrows embrace the worst attributes of the Wyrmbringers: greed, treachery, casual cruelty and selfishness. They take everything and deserve nothing. Shadow Lords: 风暴之鸦学习了妖蛆最要不得的特点:贪婪、背信、残忍和自私。他们取走了所有的东西,而实际上什么也不该得到。 Silent Striders: They have not done us wrong. We respect them, but we pity them too. None should live without their people close at hand. Silent Striders: 他们没对我们做什么坏事。我们尊敬他们,但是同时也可怜他们。没有人能独自生活。 Silver Fangs: These "kings" were born across the sea, yet they claim to know what is right for all wolf-changers. But their spirits are sick — if they can not help themselves, how can they know our path? Silver Fangs: 这些“王”们是外国人,他们居然声称知道权力该如何分配。但是就凭他们的灵魂和病态——如果他们连自己的事情都处理不好,那么何谈让他们明白我们的行为? Uktena: Older Brother no longer walks a good path. The Uktena mate with mongrels and search the dark places for secrets that will bring them no peace. We must bring them back before they step into the Horned Serpent's maw. Uktena: 哥哥不再走正确的路了。Uktena与那些杂种关系紧密水乳交融,他们搜索黑暗的秘密,这给他们带来了祸乱。我们必须在他们落入角蛇的胃里之前把他们拉回正轨。 Stargazers: There is much wisdom in the Stargazers. We could trust them, even though we could not always understand them. I hope their decision is a good one. Stargazers: Stargazers有智慧。我们应该相信他们,即使我们有的时候不一定能理解他们。我希望他们的决定是对的。
For the longest time, the Stargazers counted themselves as one of the tribes of the Garou Nation. 在过去漫长的岁月里,Stargazer们一直认为自己是狼人一族的一员。 They remained largely on the fringes of Garou society, often pursuing their own quests, although they remained accessible and willing to assist their fellows as needed. 他们长期处于狼人社会的边缘,总在独自追寻他们自己的目标,尽管他们也会温和地自愿帮助那些需要帮助的追随者。 Their introspective ways were not free of drawbacks, however. 不管怎么说,他们内省的理念不为有缺陷的人服务。 Their numbers were terribly few. 过去,他们的人数就那么的少。 The tribe didn't have nearly as many Kin as did more earthy tribes like the Fianna or Bone Gnawers, and converts to the relatively esoteric Stargazer ideals were rare. 部族没有像Fianna或者Bone Gnawers那些朴实家伙那么多的亲属,愿意皈依他们深奥理念的人更是希有。 At the end of the second millennium CE, the Stargazers numbered less than 500 in all, with no sign of recovery in sight. 在第二千年末期,Stargazers已经少于500人,而且没有什么复苏的迹象。 The worst blow, by most accounts, had to be the fall of the Shilgalu Monastery in Tibet. 最重大的打击是——大多数人这么看——西藏Shilgalu宗庙的陷落。 The Stargazers had only a few caerns to their name, and Shilgalu was one of the strongest. Stargazers名下只有很少的几处圣地,而Shilgalu是最强大的一个。 And thanks to the concerted efforts of a corrupted Chinese military division and powerful Wyrmish reinforcements, the
strongest stronghold of the tribe was wiped away in less than a week. 得益于腐败的中国军队和有力的妖蛆援军的通力合作,部族最强大的要塞在一周之内就沦陷了。 The heart of the tribe was under attack, its members scattered too widely to act in true unison. 部族的心腹要地被攻击了,但是部族成员们正四散各地来不及作出行动。 Obviously, something needed to be done for the Stargazers to recover their center. 很明显,Stargazers必须作些什么以重建自己的中心地带。 After searching their consciences and speaking with their pupils, the elders of the tribe came to the decision that the needs of the Garou Nation were not their own. 在问了自己良心并用pupils讨论之后,部族的长老一致决定按他们自己的需要做事而不是狼人全族的。 At a great concolation, the most esteemed Stargazer elders informed the other tribes politely that they would be withdrawing from the Nation and gathering together to heal themselves. 在一次大会上,最受尊敬的几个Stargazer长老十分礼貌地告知其他部落,Stargazer将退出狼人世界聚集起来慢慢疗伤。 This announcement drew reactions from shock to sympathy to outrage, but the Stargazer elders would not be swayed. 这样的宣告使其他部族的同情变成了义愤,但是Stargazer的长老们毫不动摇。 "While we are broken and scattered," they said, "we are of no use to you, nor to ourselves. Though we know you would assist us if we asked, our healing must come from within. Forgive us." “当我们受伤并分散的时候,”他们说,“我们对你们和我们自己都没什么用处。虽然我们知道只要开口你们就会提供帮助,但是我们部族受的伤只有从内部才能治愈。忘了我们吧。” Since the Stargazers' secession from the Garou Nation, all newly Changed Stargazer cubs have been given their Rites of Passage away from the other tribes. 在Stargazer脱离了狼人一族以后,所有的重新生活的Stargazer幼兽开始在远离其他部族的地方举行他们的成年典礼。 Most of the tribe's members are returning to the tribe's original homelands of India and the Himalayas, hoping to find some measure of solace in as-yet uncorrupted territory that might remain there. 部族的大多数成员回到部族的发源地——印度和喜马拉雅山脉,他们希望能找到一些尚未被污染的领土。 The tribe is very serious about its need to rebuild itself to prove up to the challenge of the Final Battle. 部族对于重建十分重视,希望以此获得参加末日之战的资格。 The Garou can only pray that they'll find what they're looking for in time. 狼人们只能祈祷他们来得及得到他们想要的。 Tribal Totem: Chimera, a powerful dream-spirit of variegated form. 部族图腾:奇美拉,一种奇形怪状的强大梦中怪物。 Initial Willpower: 5 初始感知:5 Background Restrictions: 背景限制: Stargazers cannot take Fetish or Resources. Stargazers不能有偶像或者资源。 Their allies almost always lie outside the Garou Nation. 他们的盟友几乎都不在狼人一族之中。 More information on the Stargazers can be found in the Werewolf Storytellers Companion. 关于Stargazers的更多信息请参考《the Werewolf Storytellers Companion》。