生命骰:8d10(44 HP)
速度:50 英尺,飞行 60 英尺(一般)
防御等级:27(-1 体型,+10 天生,+8 马铠)
攻击:2 刺链 +10 近战
伤害:刺链 2d4+5 附加 1d6点电击伤害
特性:伤害减免 30/+3,法术抗力 20,快速治疗 5
豁免:强韧 +2,反射 +2,意志 +5
属性:力量 21,敏捷 11,体质 -,智力 8,感知 17,魅力 15
进化:9-16 HD(大型);17-24 HD(超大型)
Large Construct(Lawful)
Hit Dice:8d10(44 hp)
Speed:50 ft.,fly 60 ft.(average)
AC:27(-1 size,+10 natural,+8 plate barding)
Attacks:2 spiked chains +10 melee
Damage:Spiked chain 2d4+5 and 1d6 electricity
Face/Reach:5 ft.by 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks:Spell-like abilities
Special Qualities:Damage reduction 30/+3,SR 20,fast healing 5
Saves:Fort +2,Ref +2,Will +5
Abilities:Str 21,Dex 11,Con -,Int 8,Wis 17,cha 15
Climate/Terrain:Any land and underground
Challenge Rating:9
Alignment:Always lawful neutral
Advancement:9-16 HD(Large);17-24 HD(Huge)
生命骰:13d10(71 HP)
速度:30 英尺
防御等级:26(+10 天生,+6 混织铁甲)
攻击:吸血鬼之触 +11/+6 近战;弱能射线 +10 远程接触攻击
伤害:吸血鬼之触 5d6;弱能射线 如同同名法术
特性:伤害减免 30/+3,法术抗力 22,快速治疗 5
豁免:强韧 +4,反射 +5,意志 +7
属性:力量 14,敏捷 13,体质 -,智力 10,感知 17,魅力 16
进化:14-22 HD(中型);23-39 HD(大型)
Medium-size Construct(Lawful)
Hit Dice:13d10(71 hp)
Speed:30 ft.
AC:26(+10 natural,+6 banded mail)
Attacks:Vampiric touch +11/+6 melee;or enervation ray +10 ranged touch
Damage:Vampiric touch 5d6;enervation ray as spell
Face/Reach:5 ft.by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks:Spell-like abilities,vampiric touch,enervation ray
Special Qualities:Damage reduction 30/+3,SR 22,fast healing 5
Saves:Fort +4,Ref +5,Will +7
Abilities:Str 14,Dex 13,Con -,Int 10,Wis 17,cha 16
Climate/Terrain:Any land and underground
Challenge Rating:12
Alignment:Always lawful neutral
Advancement:14-22 HD(Medium-size);23-39 HD(Large)
生命骰:15d10(82 HP)
速度:40 英尺
防御等级:28(-1 体型,+11 天生,+8 链铠)
攻击:2 挥击 +17 近战
伤害:挥击 2d4+7 附加 3d6点音波伤害或3d6点电击伤害
特性:伤害减免 40/+4,法术抗力 25,快速治疗 10
豁免:强韧 +5,反射 +6,意志 +8
属性:力量 25,敏捷 13,体质 -,智力 12,感知 17,魅力 18
进化:16-28 HD(大型);29-45 HD(超大型)
Large Construct(Lawful)
Hit Dice:15d10(82 hp)
Speed:40 ft.
AC:28(-1 size,+11 natural,+8 platemail)
Attacks:2 slams +17 melee
Damage:Slam 2d6+7 and 3d6 sonic or 3d6 electricity
Face/Reach:5 ft.by 5 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks:Spell-like abilities,fists of thunder and lightining
Special Qualities:Damage reduction 40/+4,SR 25,fast healing 10
Saves:Fort +5,Ref +6,Will +8
Abilities:Str 25,Dex 13,Con -,Int 12,Wis 17,cha 18
Climate/Terrain:Any land and underground
Challenge Rating:15
Alignment:Always lawful neutral
Advancement:16-28 HD(Large);29-45 HD(Huge)
当一个制裁者完成它的任务后,它会逗留在那个地方观察当地人民的生活,一旦当它发现另一件违反法规的案例,便会将之视为自己的新任务。它们在处于观察模式时,通常会在人群中显得格外显眼,不过它们似乎很擅长于不让别人注意自己。有些人传闻说一个执行任务中的制裁者的外形为一个装着饰有黄金的铠甲,身高为 12英尺的物体,它们总会行走于乡村中,找寻着它口中所谓的犯罪者。因为它们的决定基于自己的特制程序,所以它们绝不进行任何担保。
Hailing from the lawful nentral plane of Mechanus,inevitable are constructs whose sole aim is to enforce the natural laws of the universe.
Each type of inevitable is designed to find and punish a particular kind of transgression,hunting down a person or group that has violated a fundamental principle such as "The guilty should be punished","Bargains should be kept", or"Everyone dies eventually".When an inevitable is created,it receives its first mission,then finds the transgressors and metes out appropriate punishment.The sentence is usually death,although some inevitables insist on recompense to the wronged party instead,using geas and mark of justice to ensure compliance.From its first step,an inevitable focuses totally on its target.It continues its efforts no matter how cold the trail of hopeless the task.Unable to cross an ocean any other way,inevitables have been known to walk into te waves,traversing the seabed to emerge on another continent months later.
Inevitables are single-minded in pursuit of their quarry,but they are under orders to leave innocents alone.Accomplices to their prey are fair game,however,which sometimes creates conflicts within their programming.Even the most effective inevitables are periodically recalled to Mechanus for reprogramming.
Inevitables gladly sacrifice themselves to complete a mission,but they aren''t suicidal.Faced with impending defeat,they are likely to withdraw and seek a way to even the odds.They''re determined but patient foes.They ally with other if that helps accomplish their mission,but they have a hard time keeping allies for long.It''s apparent to anyone who spends much time with one that an inevitable sacrifices an ally to fulfill its purpose without a second thought.
When an inevitable completes its task,it wanders the landscape and passively observes life around it.Wien it discerns another transgression of the principle it''s dedicated to,it has new mission.Inevitables tend to stick out in a crowd while they''re in observation mode,but they seem oblivious to the attention.Those in the know who hear about a 12-foot-rall,golden-armored statue roaming the countryside might seek out the inevitable and present a case,hoping it will take on the alleged trangressor.The decision is basded on the idiosyncrasies of the inevitable''s programming,so there''s no guarantee.
Their forms vary,but all inevitables are gold-and-silver clockwork creatures,with gears and pistons where muscles would be on flesh-and-blood creatures.Their eyes glow with a golden radiance.Inevitables speak Abyssal,Celestial,Infernal,and the native language of their first target.
Note that unlike most contructs,inevitables have an Intelligence score and can think,learn,and remember.
Unless their very existence is threatened,inevitables focus completely on the transgressor they''ve been assigned to,ignoring other combatants completely.An inevitable might attack anyone who hinders its progress,but it won''t tarry beyond the point where it can reengage its quarry.Inevitables take self-defense very seriously;anyone who attack an inevitable with what the creature perceives as deadly force is met with deadly force in return.
Construct:Immune to mind-influencing effects,poison,disease,and similar effects.Not subject to critical hits,subdual damage,ability damage,energy drain,or death from massive damage.
Fast Healing(Ex):An inevitable heals a certain amount of damage each round as long as it has at least 1 hit point.However,damage dealt by blessed and chaotic weapons heals at the normal rate.
类法术能力:随意施展——锐耳术/鹰眼术,次元锚,解除魔法,恐惧术,人类定身术,生物定位术,真知视域;3次/天——怪物定身术,正义烙印;1次/周——次型指使术。这些能力在施展时如同于一个8级术士的同名法术(豁免 DC=12+法术等级)。
Zelekhut are charged with hunting down those who would deny justice--especially those who flee to escape punishment.They use a combination of natural skill and magic to find fugitives wherever they may hide.And once they''ve found them,they carry out a sentence of their own.
A zelekhut is a centauroid clockwork construct with ornate golden armor over alabaster skin.It wields two spiked chains that spring forth from it forearms.Golden metallic wings emerge from its back on command.
Once it has found its fugitive,a zelekhut uses its maneuverability and spell-like abilities to cover the most likely escape routes.Then it immobilizes any defenders while protecting any innocent bystanders.Finally,it apprehends the fugitive with its spiked chains,tripping and disarming the foe as needed.If the sentence is death,the zelekhut carries it out with little fuss or fanfare.
Spell-Like Abilities:At will--clairaudience/clairvoyance,dimensional anchor,dispel magic,fear,hold person,locate creature,ture seeing;3/day--hold monster,mark of justice;1/week--lesser geas.These abilities are as the spells cast by an 8th-level sorcerer(save DC=12+spell level).
类法术能力:随意施展——变形自身,辨知谎言,恐惧术,人类定身术,隐身术,生物定位术,暗示术;1次/天——怪物定身术,正义烙印;1次/周——指使术。这些能力在施展时如同于一个11级术士的同名法术(豁免 DC=13+法术等级)。
Kolyaruts represent the ultimate enforcement clause in a contract--they mete out punishment to those who break bargains and oaths.Originally sent from Mechanus to avenge major betrayals,once on the Material Plane they hunt down everyone from unscrupulous merchants to army deserters.Anyone who reneges on a deal could draw the ire of a kolyarut,although the creature usually ignores inconsequential deals and rashly sworn oaths.
Before beginning a missionn against a deal-breaker,the kolyarut learns as much about the contract or oath as possible.It''s not interested in those who break deals accidentally or against their will--only those who willingly break contracts violate the principle that kolyaruts are created to uphold.If a written contract was broken,the kolyarut typically carries a copy of the contract with it.Kolyarut are the most human-looking of the inevitables,appearing as colckwork humanoids dressed in flowing red robes and ornate golden armor.They''re also the most talkative,making credible attempts at social niceties such as proper greetings before getting down to the matter at hand.They use alter self to appear as almost any humanoid--useful if they need to go undercover to catch their quarry.
Like all inevitables,kolyaruts are patient enough to study a target before striking.They have a good idea of the deal-breaker''s abilities and defenses before they enter battle.When they fight,they try to get the conflict over as soon as possible,minimizing excess bloodshed and mayhem.They don''t let concern for innocents delay or endanger their mission,however.
A kolyarut''s favorite tactic is to use invisibility or alter self to sneak close,then eliminate the quarry with vampiric touch before it can react.Kolyaruts have no compunctions about using their vampiric touch ability on allies to increase their own power,if it helps them complete their mission.
Spell-Like Abilities:At will--alter self,discern lies,fear,hold person,invisibility,locate creature,suggestion;1/day--hold monster,mark of justice;1/week--geas/quest.These abilities are as the spells cast by an 11th-level sorcerer(save DC=13+spell level).
Vampiric Touch(Su):As a melee touch attack,a kolyarut can drain life force from its foe,as the vampiric touch spell cast by a 10th-level sorcerer.
Enervation Ray(Su):The kolyarut can fire a black enervation ray at targets within 200 feet.This is identical with the enervation spell cast by a 10th-level sorcerer.
类法术能力:随意施展——毁灭法阵,随意门,支配人类,恐惧术,高等解除魔法,生物定位术,真知视域;1次/天——连锁闪电,残废环,正义烙印;1次/周——地震术,指使术,位面传送。这些能力在施展时如同于一个14级术士的同名法术(豁免 DC=14+法术等级)。
电闪雷呜拳(Su):每当猎杀者的左拳击中物体时会发出震耳的雷鸣声,造成额外的3d6点音波伤害并可能令目标耳聋2d6轮时间(强韧豁免 DC 17 通过则不会耳聋)。而猎杀者的右拳可以造成额外的3d6点电击伤害并可能令目标在电光闪耀中失明2d6轮时间(强韧豁免 DC 17 通过则不会失明)。
Maruts represent the inevitability of death.They confront those who would try to deny the grave itself.
Any who use unnatural means to extend their life span(such a lich)could be targeted by a marut.Those who take extraordinary measures to cheat death in some other way(such as sacrificing hundreds of others to keep oneself safe from a plague)might be labeled transgressors as well.Those who use magic to reverse death(raise dead spells,for example)aren''t worthy of a marut''s attention unless they do so repeatedly or on a massive scale.
A marut appears as an onyx statue garbed in golden armor.Disdaining weapons or other equipment,maruts walk surely and implacably toward their foes,never resting.
Once it has found its target,a marut brings it the death it has been trying to avoid.Those who defile death through necromancy may instead receive a geas and/or mark of justice to enforce proper respect.It typically uses wall of force to shut off any escape routes,then opens up with chain lighting while it closes to melee range.Once there,it strikes with its massive fists,using circle of death if beset by numbers of defenders.It hits spellcasting opponents with greater dispelling after greater dispelling and uses dimension door and locate creature to track down foes who flee.
Spell-Like Abilities:At will--circle of doom,dimension door,dominate person,fear,greater dispelling,locate creature,true seeing;1/day--chain lightning,circle of death,mark of justice;1/week--earthquake,geas/quest,plane shift.These abilities are as the spells cast by an 14th-level sorcerer(save DC=14+spell level).
Fists of Thunder and Lightning(Su):The marut''s left fist delivers a loud thunderclap whenever it hits something,dealing an additional 3d6 points of sonic damage and deafening the target for 2d6 rounds(Fortitude save DC 17 negates the deafness).The right fist delivers a shock for an additional 3d6 points of electricity damage,and the flash of lightning blinds the target for 2d6 rounds(Fortitude save DC 17 negates the blindness).
Inevitable 制裁者
Zelekhut 追迹者
Kolyarut 协约者
Enervation Ray 弱能射线
Marut 猎杀者
Fists of Thunder and Lightning 电闪雷鸣拳