特技表演 Acrobatic
警觉 Alertness
双手灵巧 Ambidexterity——Dex 15+
动物亲和力 Animal Affinity
轻型装甲熟习 Armor Proficiency ( light )
中型装甲熟习 Armor Proficiency ( medium )——Armor Proficiency ( light )
重型装甲熟习 Armor Proficiency ( heavy )——Armor Proficiency ( light ),Armor Proficiency ( medium )
能量装甲熟习 Armor Proficiency ( powered )——Armor Proficiency ( light ) ,Armor Proficiency ( medium )
运动家 Athletic
盲战 Blind-Fight
谨慎 Cautious
闪避 Dodge——Dex 13+
灵活 Mobility——Dex 13+,Dodge
跳跃攻击 Spring Attack——Dex 13+,Dodge,Mobility,Base Attack +4 or higher
旋风攻击 Whirlwind Attack——Dex 13+,Dodge,Mobility,Base Attack +4 or higher,Int 13+,Expertise
耐力 Endurance
特殊武器熟习 Exotic Weapon Proficiency——Base Attack +1 or higher
战斗专精 Expertise——Int 13+
战栗存在Frightful Presence——Cha 15+,Intimidate 9+
机械头脑 Gearhead
强韧体质 Great Fortitude
巨浪攻势 Heroic Surge
先发制人 Improved Initiative
恶名昭彰 Infamy
钢铁意志 Iron Will
闪电反射 Lightning Reflexes
背景不详 Low Profile
武术 Martial Artist
模仿 Mimic
敏捷 Nimble
口才便给 Persuasive
近距离射击 Point Blank Shot
远射 Far Shot Point Blank Shot
精确射击 Precise Shot Point Blank Shot
快速射击 Rapid Shot——Dex 13+,Point Blank Shot
多重射击 Multishot——Dex 13+,Point Blank Shot,Rapid Shot
奔跑射击 Shot On The Run——Dex 13+,Point Blank Shot,Dodge,Mobility
强力攻击 Power Attack——Str 13+
斩击 Cleave——Str 13+,Power Attack
强力斩击 Great Cleave——Str 13+,Power Attack,Cleave,Base Attack +4 or higher
快速准备 Quick Draw——Base Attack +1 or higher
迅速 Quickness
跑步 Run
锐利之眼 Sharp-eyed
重点技能 Skill Emphasis
太空人 Spacer
星舰闪避 Starship Dodge——Dex 13+,Pilot 6+,Starship Operation
星舰操作 Starship Operation——Pilot 2+
隐密 Stealthy
健壮 Toughness
追踪 Track
值得信任 Trustworthy
双武器战斗 Two-weapon Fighting
进阶双武器战斗 Improved Two-weapon Fighting——Two-weapon Fighting,Ambidexterity,Base Attack +9 or higher
武器技巧 Weapon Finesse——Proficient with weapon,Base Attack +1 or higher
武器专精 Weapon Focus——Proficient with weapon,Base Attack +1 or higher
类型武器熟习 Weapon Group Proficiency
无重力战斗 Zero-g Combat——Dex 13+,Tumble 4+
应急装备 Jury-rig
信心灌输 Inspire Confidence
指挥 Command
伏击 Sneak Attack
交易 Barter
违禁品交易 Illicit Barter
开拓者 Trailblazing
惊异闪避 Uncanny Dodge
精通技能 Skill mastery
呼唤帮助 Call in a favor
原力武器 Force Weapon
了解语言 Comprehend speech
原力护符 Force talisman
治疗 Healing