星质傀儡(Ecto Puppet) 心灵创造系(智力) 等级:心灵术士2 异象:听觉、视觉 (见说明) 显能时间:单动作 距离:近距 (25呎+5呎/2等级) 效果:一个有“链接”的你能展现的最高级星质构装体 持续时间:专注,最长1轮/等级 豁免检定:无 异能抗力:不可 灵能点:3 如同“一级星质构装体”,但星质构装体以可见的链与你相连,你可以直接控制它的行动。它将出现在距离你5呎的位置并可以在异能有效距离内移动。操纵它的 “链”由连接你的手与它的肢体(当你举起右手,它举起它的相应的肢体)的丝线一样的光构成。除了可见的链之外,星质构装体与第八章“怪物”中所述相同。 本异能可能创造出的最高级星质构装体对应于你所知的最高级“星质构装体”异能。作为你直接控制的结果,构装体的力量与敏捷得到+2增强加值,同时意志豁免得到+2增强加值。 实际运用时,展现“星质傀儡”的费用是可变的,等于你所仿效的“星质构装体”异能的费用+2。 Ecto Puppet Metacreativity (Int) Level: Psion 2 Display: Au, Vi (see text) Manifestation Time: 1 action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2levels) Effect: A “tethered” astral construct of the highest level you can manifest Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round/level Saving Throw: None Power Resistance: No Power Points: 3 As astral construct I, except the astral construct is visibly tethered to you, and you directly control its actions. It appears within 5 feet of you and can move up to the noted range. The “tether” consists of filamentous light connecting your hands with its forelimbs (when you raise your right hand, the construct raises the corresponding appendage). Except for being visibly tethered, the astral construct is as described in Chapter 8: Monsters. The power creates an astral construct of the highest level possible, corresponding to the highest-level astral construct power you know. As a consequence of your direct control, the construct gains a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength and Dexterity, and a +2 enhancement bonus on Will saves. In practice, the cost to manifest ecto puppet is variable, and is equal to the cost of the astral construct power you emulate + 2. 星质护甲(Ectoplasmic Armor) 心灵创造系(智力) 等级:心灵术士5、心灵武士5 异象:视觉 (见说明) 显能时间:单动作 距离:接触 目标:接触到的生物 持续时间:1小时/等级 (解消) 豁免检定:意志,通过则无效 (无害) 异能抗力:可 (无害) 灵能点:9 受术者穿上一套微微发光的星质护甲,为AC提供+10盔甲加值。其他盔甲不能与星质护甲同时穿着。如果受术者脱下星质护甲,它将立刻消散。星质护甲在计算防具减值和速度降低的时候被视作皮甲。因为此装甲由星界物质构成(本异能的作用接近力场),虚体生物无法像穿过普通盔甲一样穿越它。 Ectoplasmic Armor Metacreativity (Int) Level: Psion 5/Psychic Warrior 5 Display: Vi (see text) Manifestation Time: 1 action Range: Touch Target: Creature touched Duration: 1 hour/level (D) Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) Power Resistance: Yes (harmless) Power Points: 9 The subject is dressed in a suit of shimmering ectoplasmic armor that provides a +10 armor bonus to AC. Other armor cannot be worn at the same time as ectoplasmic armor. If subject takes off the ectoplasmic armor, it immediately dissipates. Treat ectoplasmic armor as leather armor for purposes of armor check penalty or speed reduction. Because the armor is composed of astral ectoplasm (emulating force for the purposes of this power), incorporeal creatures can’t bypass it the way they do normal armor. 星质茧(Ectoplasmic Cocoon) 心灵创造系(智力) 等级:心灵术士2 异象:物质、听觉 显能时间:单动作 距离:中距 (100呎+10呎/等级) 目标:一个体型不超过中型的生物 持续时间:1轮/等级 (解消) 豁免检定:反射,通过则无效 异能抗力:可 灵能点:3 你从星界抽出扭动的丝把受术者绑缚得像一具木乃伊。受术者仍能呼吸但在其他方面处于无助状态,无法看也无法完成任何身体动作。由于星质丝隔音,受术者无法说话,但受术者的鼻孔是畅通的。受术者可以完成纯粹的精神动作(例如展现异能)。星质茧的扭动与再生的特点使得其内的生物无法通过物理手段逃出去。不过,切除或破坏一片足够大的丝仍能把被缚住的受害者释放出来。星质丝具有17点硬度与30点生命值。 在高空被缚住的生物将坠落,而被缚住的游泳者可能会淹死。 Ectoplasmic Cocoon Metacreativity (Int) Level: Psion 2 Display: Ma, Au Manifestation Time: 1 action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: One creature of Medium-size or smaller Duration: 1 round/level (D) Saving Throw: Reflex negates Power Resistance: Yes Power Points: 3 You draw writhing strands of ectoplasm from the Astral Plane that wrap up the subject like a mummy. The subject can still breathe but is otherwise helpless, being unable to see or take any physical actions. The subject cannot speak because the ectoplasmic strands muffle sounds, but the subject’s nostrils are clear. The subject can execute purely mental actions (such as manifesting powers). The writhing, regenerating nature of the cocoon prevents its occupant from making a physical bid for escape. However, cutting or damaging a large enough strand can free the cocooned victim. The strands have hardness 17 and 30 hit points. Creatures that are cocooned high in the air fall, and cocooned swimmers may drown. 星质形态(Ectoplasmic Form) 心灵自塑系(力量) 等级:心灵术士3 异象:嗅觉 显能时间:单动作 距离:个人 目标:自己 持续时间:2分钟/等级 (解消) 灵能点:5 你与你的装备变为部分透明且泛着涟漪的星质团,此星质团一般会具有你原有的外形。你获得伤害减免20/+1。此时你的物质装甲(包括天生防御)不再有用,不过你的体型、敏捷和闪避加值,以及由力场提供的盔甲加值(例如“惰性护甲”所提供的)仍然有效。你因此而免疫毒素与重击。处于星质形态时你无法攻击或展现异能。如同“变形自己”,你处于星质形态时会失去超自然能力(如果有)。 你无法奔跑,但是你可以游泳,此时你的“游泳”技能检定得到+15环境加值。异能持续时间内,你能够带着你的全身装备与手持的物品穿过小洞或狭窄的开口,甚至是最细微的裂缝。 Ectoplasmic Form Psychometabolism (Str) Level: Psion 3 Display: Ol Manifestation Time: 1 action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 2 minutes/level (D) Power Points: 5 You and all your gear become a partially translucent mass of rippling ectoplasm that generally conforms to your normal shape. You gain damage reduction 20/+1. Your material armor (including natural armor) becomes worthless, although your size, Dexterity, deflection bonuses, and armor bonuses from force effects (such as those gained by the feat Inetrial Armor) still apply. You become immune to poison and critical hits. You cannot attack or manifest powers while in ectoplasmic form. As with polymorph self, you lose supernatural abilities, if any, while in ectoplasmic form. You cannot run, but you can swim with a +15 circumstance bonus on your Swim skill. You can pass through small holes or narrow openings, even mere cracks, along with all you are wearing or holding in your hands while the duration persists. 星质蔓生怪(Ectoplasmic Shambler) 心灵创造系(智力) 等级:心灵术士5 异象:物质、听觉、嗅觉 (见说明) 显能时间:一整轮 距离:远距 (400呎+40呎/等级) 效果:一个60呎宽、最多30呎高的星质构装体 持续时间:1分钟/等级 豁免检定:见说明 异能抗力:不可 灵能点:9 你创造出一个短命而多足的被称为星质蔓生怪的伪生命星质团。蔓生怪可以按照你的指示以10呎速度移动。它可以完全的包围它被展现在其上的或者它移动到其上的物体(以及对手)。由于它具有浓雾一般的密度。在蔓生怪的内部的能见度为10呎,而在蔓生怪的腹中完全无法显能(或施法)。被蔓生怪包围的生物,无论其防御等级如何,在他们仍保持在蔓生怪内部的每个回合的结束时受到1点伤害。逆向吹向蔓生怪的强风将在第一轮把它的速度降为0,而在後续的回合内把它以5 呎的速度吹向风刮向的方向。 Ectoplasmic Shambler Metacreativity (Int) Level: Psion 5 Display: Ma, Au, Ol (see text) Manifestation Time: 1 full round Range: Long (400 ft. +40 ft./level) Effect: One ectoplasmic construct, 60 ft. wide and up to 30 ft. high Duration: 1 minute/level Saving Throw: See text Power Resistance: No Power Points: 9 You fashion an ephemeral, many-legged mass of pseudoliving ectoplasm called an ectoplasmic shambler. The shambler moves as you direct it at a speed of 10 feet. It can completely surround objects (and opponents) over which it is manifested or onto which it moves, because it has the consistency of thick mist. The vision of those within the shambler is limited to 10 feet, and manifesting powers (or casting spells) within the shambler’s “belly” is impossible. Creatures enveloped by the shambIer, regardless of Armor Class, sustain 1 point of damage at the end of each round they remain within the roiling turbulence of the shambler’s medium. A strong wind that blows against the shambler reduces its speed to 0 during the first round, and in subsequent rounds moves it in the direction of the wind at a speed of 5 feet. 精灵视觉(Elfsight) 心灵自塑系(力量) 等级:心灵术士0、心灵武士0 异象:视觉 显能时间:单动作 距离:个人 目标:自己 持续时间:1分钟 灵能点:1 在异能持续时间内你获得昏暗视觉(如同精灵)。如果“精灵视觉”与“照明术”一同使用,则你可以看到後者作用范围的两倍距离。 Elfsight Psychometabolism (Str) Level: Psion 0/Psychic Warrior 0 Display: Vi Manifestation Time: 1 action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 minute Power Points: 1 You gain low-light vision (as an elf) for the duration of the power. If elfsight is used in conjunction with my light, you can see twice as far as indicated in the latter power’s description. 伤痛转移(Empathic Transfer) 心灵自塑系(力量) 等级:心灵术士1 异象:物质、听觉 显能时间:单动作 距离:接触 目标:接触到的生物 持续时间:立即 豁免检定:无 异能抗力:可 (无害) 灵能点:1 你将其他人所受的伤害转移到自己身上。当你展现本异能时,你可以从受术者转移最多每显能者等级8点伤害到自己身上。 作为另一种选择,你也可以从受术者身上吸收一种毒素或疾病到你的体内。当你吸收毒素或疾病,你并不会吸收它们已经造成的伤害,但你会取代受术者进行以後的强韧豁免检定。 最後,你也可以选择从受术者身上转移最多每显能者等级1点暂时属性伤害到自身。 一般情况下,你只会在打算使用其他心灵自塑系异能医疗自己的时候才会使用“伤痛转移”,但是这并不是必须的。 Empathic Transfer Psychometabolism (Str) Level: Psion 1 Display: Ma, Au Manifestation Time: 1 action Range: Touch Target: Creature touched Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None Power Resistance: Yes (harmless) Power Points: 1 You transfer the hurts of others to yourself. when you manifest this power, you can transfer up to 8 points of damage per manifester level from the subject creature to yourself. Alternatively, you can absorb one poison or one disease afflicting the subject creature into yourself. When you absorb a poison or disease, you do not absorb the damage done previously dealt by the affliction, but you do take up the burden of making the secondary and/or continuing Fortitude saves against the affliction. Finally, you can choose to transfer up to 1 point of temporary ability damage per manifester level from the subject to yourself. In most cases, you would only use empathic transfer with the intent to heal yourself using another Psychometabolism power, but self-healing is not mandatory. 感受情绪(Empathy) 心灵附魔系(魅力)[影响心灵] 等级:心灵术士1 异象:精神 显能时间:单动作 距离:近距 (25呎+5呎/2等级) 目标:单一活物 持续时间:专注,最长1分钟/等级 (解消) 豁免检定:意志,通过则无效 异能抗力:可 灵能点:1 你可以侦测范围内你可以看到的任一生物的表面情绪。你可以感觉到基础的需求、动力和情绪。口渴、饥饿、恐惧、疲乏、痛苦、愤怒、憎恨、怀疑、好奇以及友善等等都可以被感知。 Empathy Telepathy (Cha) [Mind-Affecting] Level: Psion 1 Display: Me Manifestation Time: 1 action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: One living creature Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute/level (D) Saving Throw: Will negates Power Resistance: Yes Power Points: 1 You detect the surface emotions of any creature you can see that is in range. You can sense basic needs, drives, and emotions. Thirst, hunger, fear, fatigue, pain, rage, hatred, uncertainty, curiosity, friendliness, and so on, can all be sensed. 异能仿效(Emulate Power) 心灵预言系(感知) 等级:心灵术士7 异象:物质 显能时间:单动作 距离:见说明 目标、效果或区域:见说明 持续时间:见说明 豁免检定:无 异能抗力:可 灵能点:13,消耗经验值 展现“异能仿效”时,你选择任何一道不超过六级的其他异能,不论能系或者是否已知,然後如同你展现该异能般地复制它的效果。然而,你将为这种灵活性支付高价。 经验值费用:300点经验值和被仿效异能所需经验值中的较高者。 Emulate Power Clairsentience (Wis) Level: Psion 7 Display: Ma Manifestation Time: 1 action Range: See text Target, Effect, or Area: See text Duration: See text Saving Throw: None Power Resistance: Yes Power Points: 13, XP cost When manifesting emulate power, you choose any other power, regardless of discipline or whether you know the power, of 6th level or less, and duplicate its effect as if you had manifested that power. However, you pay a high price for this flexibility. XP Cost: 300 XP or the XP requirement of the emulated power, whichever is greater. 能量障壁(Energy Barrier) 心灵自塑系(力量) 等级:心灵术士5、心灵武士5 异象:视觉 (见说明) 显能时间:单动作 距离:个人 目标:自己 持续时间:10分钟/等级 或 能量散发 灵能点:9 你的身体吸收能量攻击并将其转化为无害的光亮。你获得10点对一种特定的能量攻击的抵抗力(忽略此种能量攻击的前10点伤害)。一旦本异能吸收到每显能者等级10点(最多150点)能量伤害,则本异能结束。特定的能量攻击包括能够造成强酸、寒冷、电击、火焰和音波伤害的异能或者法术。吸收伤害後,你发出可见的光亮,持续的回合数等于你成功吸收的伤害。这种光亮强到足够照亮60呎范围。 Energy Barrier Psychometabolism (Str) Level: Psion 5/Psychic Warrior 5 Display: Vi (see text) Manifestation Time: 1 action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 10 minutes/level or until discharged Power Points: 9 Your body assimilates and converts energy attacks to harmless light. You gain resistance 10 to a specific energy attack (you ignore the first 10 points of damage dealt by a specified energy source). Once the power has prevented a total of 10 points of damage per manifester level (maximum 150 points) from specified energy attacks, it is discharged. Specified energy attacks include powers and spells that deal acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic damage. When you absorb damage, you radiate visible light for a number of rounds equal to the points of damage you successfully ignore. The light is strong enough to illuminate a 60-foot-radius area. 能量转化(Energy Conversion) 心灵自塑系(力量) 等级:心灵术士7 距离:个人 和 中距 (100呎+10呎/等级) 目标:自己 和 一个物体或生物 灵能点:13 如同“能量障壁”,但你可以用射线形式来释放储存的能量,射线被视为一次远程接触攻击。这是标准动作。此射线由你吸收的能量构成。你可以在能量障壁未饱和之前发射此射线,但这将结束本异能。如果射线成功击中目标,目标将受到能量障壁吸收掉的伤害。 Energy Conversion Psychometabolism (Str) Level: Psion 7 Range: Personal and Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: You and one object or creature Power Points: 13 As energy barrier, except you can discharge stored energy in a ray as a single ranged touch attack. This is a standard action. The ray is composed of the energy type you absorbed. You can choose to fire the ray prior to complete saturation of your energy barrier, though this ends the power. If the ray successfully strikes the target, the target takes a of number hit points equal to the total number of hit points successfully ignored by the energy barrier. 以太漫步(Ethereal Jaunt) 心灵传送系(敏捷) 等级:心灵术士6、心灵武士6 异象:视觉 显能时间:单动作 距离:个人 目标:自己 持续时间:1轮/等级 (解消) 灵能点:11 你连同装备变为以太体。你处于以太位面,这是一个与主物质位面重叠的位面。当异能结束时,你就会变回实体,回到主物质位面。 注意:以太化的生物是隐形的虚体,可自由往任何方向移动(包括上下,但速度减半)。作为虚体,你可以穿越实质物体,包含生物。以太生物可以听见和看见主物质位面,但影像看起来模糊不清。在主物质位面的视野与听力为60呎。力场效果与防护系魔法效果可以对你正常作用。这些效果可以从主物质位面延伸至以太位面,但反之不然。以太生物无法攻击实体生物。身为以太生物时展现的异能只能影响到其他以太体。不过某些实体生物的攻击或物体效能可影响至以太位面(例如石化蜥蜴的凝视攻击)。以太位面的生物或物体彼此视为正常物体。 若以太生物在穿越实体(例如固体墙)时变成实体,则会从最近的空地中挤出,挤出时每经过5呎会受到1d6伤害。 Ethereal Jaunt Psychoportation (Dex) Level: Psion 6/Psychic Warrior 6 Display: Vi Manifestation Time: 1 action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round/level (D) Power Points: 11 You become ethereal, along with your equipment. You are in a place called the Ethereal plane that overlaps the normal physical, Material Plane. When the power expires, you return to material existence. Note: An ethereal creature is invisible, incorporeal, and capable of moving in any direction, even up or down (albeit at half normal speed). As an incorporeal creature, you can move through solid objects, including living creatures. An ethereal creature can see and hear the Material Plane, but everything looks gray and insubstantial. Sight and hearing onto the Material Plane are limited to 60 feet. Force effects and magical abjurations affect you normally. Their effects extend onto the Ethereal Plane from the Material Plane, but not vice versa. An ethereal creature can’t attack material creatures, and powers you manifest while ethereal affect only other ethereal things. Certain material creatures or objects have attacks or effects that work on the Ethereal Plane (such as the basilisk and its gaze attack). By contrast, treat other ethereal creatures and ethereal objects as if they had become material. If you end the power and become material while inside a material object (such as a solid wall), you are shunted off to the nearest open space and suffer 1d6 points of damage per 5 feet that you so travel. 以太化(Etherealness) 心灵传送系(敏捷) 等级:心灵术士7 距离:接触 (见说明) 目标群:自己,每3等级再增加一个接触到的生物 持续时间:1分钟/等级 (解消) 异能抗力:可 灵能点:13 如同“以太漫步”,但可以与其他生物牵手,一起变为以太体(连同他们的装备)。除自己以外,每三个显能者等级还可多带一个生物一起到以太位面。一旦成为以太体,就无需保持身体接触。 当异能结束时,所有变为以太生物的生物都变回实体。 Etherealness Psychoportation (Dex) Level: Psion 7 Range: Touch (see text) Targets: You and one other touched creature/3 levels Duration: 1 minute/level (D) Power Resistance: Yes Power Points: 13 As ethereal jaunt, except you and other creatures joined by linked hands (along with their equipment) become ethereal. Besides yourself, you can bring one creature per three manifester levels to the Ethereal Plane. Once ethereal, the creatures need not stay together. When the power expires, all affected creatures in the Ethereal Plane return to material existence. 扩展视野(Expanded Vision) 心灵预言系(感知) 等级:心灵术士1、心灵武士1 异象:视觉 显能时间:单动作 距离:个人 目标:自己 持续时间:10分钟/等级 (解消) 豁免检定:无 异能抗力:不可 灵能点:1 你的视野比平常更广,使你降低减值,但在特殊情况下会降低加值。在效果上,你获得了315度的视野,使你能够对本可以完全夹击你的生物有所防范。因此,夹击你的敌人在攻击检定上只获得+1加值而非+2(然而由于你仍被部分地夹击,游荡者仍可以偷袭你)。你的“侦察”检定获得+1增强加值。同时,在异能持续期间,你对抗凝视攻击时遭受-2增强减值。 Expanded Vision Clairsentience (Wis) Level: Psion 1/Psychic Warrior 1 Display: Vi Manifestation Time: 1 action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 10 minutes/level (D) Saving Throw: None Power Resistance: No Power Points: 1 Your field of vision is wider than normal, granting you reduced penalties and even bonuses in specific situations. In effect, you have a 315-degree arc of sight, allowing you some slight vision of creatures that might otherwise fully flank you. Thus, opponents flanking you gain only a +1 bonus on their attack rolls instead of +2 (although rogues can still take sneak attacks because you are still partly flanked). All your Spot checks gain a +1 enhancement bonus. Concurrently, you suffer a -2 enhancement penalty against all gaze attacks while the power persists. 膨胀术(Expansion) 心灵自塑系(力量) 等级:心灵术士2、心灵武士2 异象:嗅觉 显能时间:单动作 距离:个人 目标:自己 持续时间:1分钟/等级 (解消) 灵能点:3 你能够增大自己的体型。你最多可以将高度、宽度和厚度增大每显能者等级10%(最多到100%)。重量的增加近似的与体积增加成正比,如下表所示: ─────────────────────── 高度增加 重量增加 ─────────────────────── +10%(×1.1) +30%(×1.3) +20%(×1.2) +70%(×1.7) +30%(×1.3) +120%(×2.2) +40%(×1.4) +170%(×2.7) +50%(×1.5) +240%(×3.4) +60%(×1.6) +310%(×4.1) +70%(×1.7) +390%(×4.9) +80%(×1.8) +480%(×5.8) +90%(×1.9) +590%(×6.9) +100%(×2.0) +700%(×8.0) ─────────────────────── 你的装备也将减小相同比例。如果空间不够容纳变大後的体积,你将涨破脆弱的障碍物。不过你的体型仍然会被坚固的障碍物所限制。你不会把自己挤坏。 你的生命值、防御等级和攻击检定不变,但力量随体型而变大。体型每变大20%,你的力量值便会受到+1体型变化加值。 多种增加体型的灵能或魔法效果并不累加。灵能与魔法特性并不会被此异能增强。 Expansion Psychometabolism (Str) Level: Psion 2/Psychic Warrior 2 Display: Ol Manifestation Time: 1 action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 minute/level (D) Power Points: 3 You can increase your size. You grow up to 10% per your manifester level, increasing by this amount in height, width, and depth (to a maximum growth of 100%). Weight increases by approximately the cube of the size increase as follows: ──────────────── Height Increase Weight Increase ──────────────── +10% (x1.1) +30% (x1.3) +20% (x1.2) +70% (x1.7) +30% (x1.3) +120% (x2.2) +40% (x1.4) +170% (x2.7) +50% (x1.5) +240% (x3.4) +60% (x1.6) +310% (x4.1) +70% (x1.7) +390% (x4.9) +80% (x1.8) +480% (x5.8) +90% (x1.9) +590% (x6.9) +100% (x2.0) +700% (x8.0) ──────────────── Equipment worn or carried is also enlarged. If insufficient room is available for the desired growth, you burst weak enclosures. However, your larger size is constrained without harm by stronger materials. You cannot crush yourself. Your hit points, Armor Class, and base attack bonus do not change, but Strength increases along with size. For every 20% of enlargement, you gain a +1 enlargement bonus to Strength. Multiple psionic or magical effects that increase size do not stack. Psionic and magical properties are not enhanced with this power. |