译者: 努塔瑞
The Silver Fangs are the proudest, most noble of the tribes.
Tracing their lineage back to the Progenitor Wolf, they represent the best of the breed, embodying everything it means to be Garou: strength, nobility, perseverance, loyalty and magnificence.
Through their heroic examples and awe-inspiring leadership, they unite the tribes against their enemies.
That's one side of the story.
A less flattering view is of the inbred rulers whose chief right of rulership is the memory of their great grandfathers' deeds as king.
They are mired in strict adherence to traditions only they remember, whose original purpose may be lost to time.
In the Fang's court, action has given way to procedural points.
They are doddering, even senile kings whose authority among the tribes extends only as far as the doors of the royal court.
Which view is true?
Perhaps some of both.
To be sure, the Silver Fangs lived up to their legends in the old days.
In battle the Fangs were matchless, inspiring their followers by leading charges; in peace, they were just and fair, mediating disputes to keep the tribes from warring against each other... too frequently.
They took as their own the best Kinfolk from nobility of many countries throughout Europe and Asia.
Things changed as centuries passed.
Their power waned, in the human realm as well as the Garou.
In recent years many Garou have noticed the Fangs becoming increasingly neurotic, manifesting minor quirks such as absentmindedness or an overdeveloped sense of vengeance.
Their tendency to fall into Harano is explained readily as the price of the heavy burden of leadership in these trying times.
As to the rest, well, the rich and powerful have always been eccentric, have they not?
Some whisper, however, that centuries of breeding with exclusive bloodlines is beginning to take its toll.
But Falcon's tribe insists that that exclusivity makes their blood run so pure in their veins.
The Silver Fangs borrowed many traditions from their noble Kinfolk.
Territory is divided up into "protectorates" ruled by a king (by tradition, always Ahroun) who presides over a court.
The court is divided into the Lodge of the Sun and the Lodge of the Moon.
The former deals with temporal matters such as business and commerce, while the latter presides over spiritual affairs as well as concerns of the lupus population.
Courts and lesser moots are lengthy affairs, at which all interested parties haggle over points of contention.
Formal moots take all night (reciting the King's introduction alone may take half an hour).
If there is important business, the debates can last for days.
Many Garou still look to the Fangs for leadership, showing the respect due by right of millennia of rule.
Others see them as figureheads, little more than mascots.
Not a few consider them worse than useless, for a bad decision costs precious lives in the Garou's most desperate hour.
Lately, the murmurs of discontent have grown louder as voices are added.
The Shadow Lords have wasted no time in fanning the unrest, but there has been no open rebellion thus far.
There is still loyalty enough to keep the Fangs in power, but Falcon's tribe had better show initiative soon.
One movement within the tribe; the Renewalist faction, has been particularly aggressive in its calls to rebuild before the tribe collapses.
One of the Fangs' greatest strengths is personal charisma.
A leader who meets often with other Garou can bind disparate factions together through sheer force of personality. 一个经常与其他狼人接触的领袖能纯粹通过个人魄力使原本目标迥异的派系团结起来。
Unfortunately, many choose to sit in their courts and make everyone come to them.
Thus isolated, their effectiveness wanes.
In these dark days, many Garou look to their own tribes for strength rather than shackling themselves to the mad ones
who would drag them down into the Abyss.
As Gaia's warriors are on the verge of being overwhelmed by the onslaught of Wyrm and Weaver, those who still believe in the divine right of the Silver Fangs see this time as their last chance to reward that trust.
Silver Fangs come primarily from aristocrats of European and Middle Eastern descent, although one noble house has established itself neatly in Asia and India.
In human form, they have refined features, often with familial peculiarities such as a distinctive nose or ears.
Their wolf forms are always graceful, with fur of silver or white, long jaws and full tail brushes.
In any form, they usually wear some form of jewelry.
The Fangs keep very detailed track of their Kin, with "pedigrees" that fill whole libraries.
Their human Kin are of impeccable breeding from the nobility of the countries of Europe; Russia in particular used to be the Fangs' homeland.
Money is not a prime consideration.
A penniless branch of the Romanovs would be more valuable than a newly rich industrialist family descended from chicken thieves.
the Romanovs家族的赤贫支脉要比传自偷鸡贼的暴发户家族有价值得多。
Likewise, the tribe keeps close contact with their rare lupine Kin living on great estates, primarily in Russia and western Canada.
Silver Fang septs are scattered across the Garou Nation.
They typically hold some of the choicest lands, to the displeasure of the tribes from which they commandeered those lands.
They live in lands with splendid vistas — great mountain chains, seaside cliffs or forested valleys — places as majestic as the Silver Fangs are (to) themselves.
Tribal Totem: Falcon
Initial Willpower: 3
Background Restrictions:
Silver Fang characters must spend at least three Background points on Pure Breed.
Beginning Gifts:
Falcon's Grasp, Lambent Flame, Sense Wyrm
Under Falcon's banner I stand before you.
Join your banner to mine, and all the Spirals in the world can't stop us from reclaiming the lost caern!
加入我的队伍,那么再也没有the Spirals能阻挡我们收复失落的圣地!
Are you with me?
Then follow me, for Gaia!
Malcolm Summersbright, Silver Fang Philodox, speaks with all due candor:
马尔科姆. 炎夏,银牙判决者,坦率的谈论应得之物:
Black Furies: How can so honorable and trustworthy a tribe be so confused?
Black Furies: 是什么能让一个那么光荣那么可信赖的部族那么困惑?
Bone Gnawers: Pathetic creatures, they squabble in the street and then expect to be welcomed into our mansions! They are Garou... technically, but they are like a branch of the family that one would just as soon forget about.
Bone Gnawers: 可怜的造物,他们在大街上争吵然后期望能在我们的官邸中受欢迎!他们是狼人……理论上说是的,但是他们是希望可以忘掉的支脉。
Children of Gaia: Joyous lovers of peace, they lend us a sympathetic ear. Would that they were as quick to take our burdens from us as they are to heap more on. Still, they help keep the others in our cause.
Children of Gaia: 和平的热爱者,他们借给了我们一只富有同情心的耳朵。他们同样快的减轻和增重我们的担子。尽管如此,他们还是帮助我们使其他部族一起为我们的事业努力。
Fianna: For their songs that soothe and hearten and remind us of old times, we are grateful. For their satires of our leadership, we are wary. For their drinking and shouting, we are long-suffering.
Fianna: 他们唱歌抚慰我们、振奋我们、提醒我们古老的历史,我们感激。他们嘲讽领导阶层,我们警惕。他们狂饮喧闹,我们受罪。
Get of Fenris: Complain all you wish about the Get's hunger for war, but you cannot call them honorless without proving yourself a liar.
Get of Fenris: 尽管悲叹你们的幼兽没有对战争的饥渴吧,但是你们不可能谎言的基础上让他们有荣誉感。
Glass Walkers: Cities have made them soft. Urban life has made them strange.
Glass Walkers: 城市使他们软弱了。城市生活使他们变得陌生。
Red Talons: They have embraced the Beast too closely, and they suffer for it. They never come to court and seldom do as we ask, but where I would see insubordination in other tribes I merely assume the Talons forgot what day the meeting was.
Red Talons: 他们太亲近野兽了,那么他们会为此受创。他们从来不来王宫,即使我们邀请他们也很少来。
Shadow Lords: They have "that lean and hungry look." We will put them in their place as needed, in March or any other month.
Shadow Lords: 他们看起来“瘦而贪婪”。在三月或者其他的月份,我们要把他们放到需要他们的地方
Silent Striders: Mysterious travelers whom I prefer to see going rather than coming, for they seldom bring good news.
Silent Striders: 神秘的旅者,我愿意看到他们离去而不是到来,因为他们很少带来好消息。
Uktena: Secret-keepers of the first rank, who list their true feelings for us among their secrets.
Uktena: 会把他们属于秘密的真正感受列成表递交我们的第一流守密者。
Wendigo: Wise and powerful, aloof and disdainful. I'm not sure if they are truly allies, but we both profit should they add their strength to our own.
Wendigo: 明智而有力,孤僻而倨傲。我不是很确定他们是不是真正的盟友,但是当我们联合时会同时受益。
Stargazers: They were wise councilors, if a bit too ethereal. A pity that they chose such an insubordinate path for themselves.
Stargazers: 他们是明智的议员,即使他们的想法有一点空洞。他们为自己选择了这么一条谋逆犯上的路真让人遗憾。